XX - It's What Family's For

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"You were right."

Three words I didn't want to admit to my step brother about Emerald. I didn't want to believe that what Liam was saying about Emerald being a little weird to be the truth. I was defending my cousin because I thought it was the right thing to do, but now that I look back at it, I just want to hit myself with a frying pan.

"About what step sissy?" Liam asked quietly.

I didn't want to tell him that what he said was right. I didn't want to tell him that some people may die if I go to war with Emerald because he hoped for the opposite. But, I could always make sure that nobody got hurt, right?

My gang phone started to ring and I quickly pulled it out of my bag. Liam sighed disappointedly and I saw Arthur's name flash across the screen.

"Talk to me," I said sternly into the phone.

"We have a location. I know where he lives but he only stayed there for the rest of the night. Do you want us to wait for any movements Silver?" Arthur asked on the other line.

"No, I'll take care of it myself. Send me the location and if you could, get some photos of the exterior of the house. As many as you could muster up," I ordered before I hung up.

"Who was that?" Richard asked from behind me.

"Arthur, and I kind of need you guys to come with me," I said nervously.

I led the men down the different hallways until we stopped at the 'dead end' again. I looked at the wall nervously but shrugged it off since I could just make more rooms like this around the house if they ever chase me again. They'd never even know with how many new rooms and hallways that are discovered everyday.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Joe asked confusedly.

I turned back toward them and gave them a small smile before gesturing for them to come closer.

"What is this Diamonds? What's going on?" Ogus asked with more confusion.

I let out a sigh, "See you on the other side!"

I jumped back into the hologram and landed in the secret room I had. I watched on the other side of the room that the boys were staring at the wall in shock and confusion. It was funny to see them like this; with their jaws dropped and wide eyed.

I set my bag down on the couch and watched as Soldier came into the room gingerly, leaving the guys even more flabbergasted than they were before.

I popped my head out which made them jump back in surprise, "If you guys want to stay there you can, but I might take awhile in here," I informed blankly.

They blinked once.

Then twice.

And then three times before shaking their thoughts away.

I stepped out of the room fully and grabbed onto Kai's hand before pulling him into the room. He looked around in awe and turned back to see the guys still shocked. He laughed at their expressions and I mentally rolled my eyes, "Don't make fun of them Finnels, you looked like that too," I deadpanned.

That immediately shut his mouth and he turned to me, "Can they hear us?"

"Nope," I said popping the 'p.'

His lips curved into a smirk and I sighed as I knew what he was thinking, "Not now Finnels."

He kissed my forehead but I kept my expression blank, "Not now but later-"

I slapped his chest before he could finish that sentence and watched as the guys started hesitantly entering the room. All of their expressions were priceless as they stared around the room awestruck. I've basically made my own house into a gang base with how much I've been working in here, I mean everything I need is here too. The only time I'll ever go to the base now is for hostages or doing some paperwork, nothing more.

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