XXXXI - We Needed

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"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Mr. Finnels, it's Linda, Dia's housemaid," a small accent greeted.

My posture straightened and my heart was racing unbelievably fast. Linda has never called me before, so if she is, then it must be important.

"What's wrong?" I panicked.

"Miss Illium needs you to call all of the guys and come straight to her house. Uhm, could you please hurry?" She asked nervously.

I jolted up from my spot and called Blake and Liam's name from the foyer. We all immediately rushed outside and into our cars and sped off into Diamond's house. I started calling all of the guys to meet and by the amounts of shuffling I heard on the other lines, they seemed just as panicked as I was.

I gripped onto the steering wheel until my knuckles were white and my foot was slamming on the gas pedal. Just hearing another person ask if we could meet at her house was strange, and the apprehension evident in Linda's voice only added to it. It sounded like she needed help, and that only worried me even more since Diamond's would've been the one to help her.

Is this about Diamonds?

I sped through the gates with everybody else in tow. I saw a small familiar figure standing by the door with Soldier by her side and she was pacing back and forth. My tires screeched as I swerved around the fountain and I jumped out immediately with the other guys. We all rushed over to Linda immediately and she had to take a step back with how fast we were going.

"What happened?" I asked hurriedly.

Linda reached into her apron pocket and pulled out a small envelope with my name on it. She showed us inside and sat us down in the living room, "Dia said to give that to you when she doesn't come back at six," she said shakily.

"When? As in she knew what was happening?" Williams asked.

Linda nodded her head uneasily. We all looked at each other dumbfounded and I finally ripped open the envelope. My eyes scanned the words until Austin groaned, "Read it out loud you idiot," he deadpanned.

"Oh, right," I chuckled nervously.

If you're reading this then I haven't come home and it's past six. I expect you to have all of the guys surrounding you as well and if they aren't, then you're a dumbass. But if they are, listen very closely. "

"Emerald called me and wanted to meet up. Him being the 'smart ass' he is, didn't think I would pin point everything together. We went to the county fair and I expect him to do something stupid so he could get himself killed. I took Soldier's name tag and turned on the tracker so you guys can locate me. If you went into my office and turned on my iPad, my location should be the first thing that pops up on the screen," I read aloud.

As if on cue, Soldier came walking into the living room with Diamond's go-to bag hanging from his mouth. He set the bag in my lap and I searched it frantically until I felt it in my hands. I pulled it out and when I turned it on, sure enough, there was a red dot moving along a map.

I snatched the note again and continued to read the rest, "Come with reinforcements and get me the fuck out of where I'm going or else I'm chopping off your baby maker," I shuddered from the threat and arranged my pants a little just to stop imagining the feeling.

Ogus stood up along with Richard and Joe and nodded his head, "Then what the fuck are we waiting for? Let's go get her," he said impatiently.

"Wait, I think there's something you guys should know," Linda interrupted and sat down in the recliner.

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