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I stared at the two packets in front of me with shock while the others stared at me with eagerness. They wanted to make this deal, and I was sure I wanted to too. But I was stuck in my state of shock and I just couldn't think properly.

"Diamonds?" Kai asked worriedly.

"Uh huh," I breathed out with my mouth agape.

I heard one of them clear their throat but I was too engrossed in the titles that I couldn't identify the conversationalists until they spoke, "Darling, are you okay?" Jake asked gently.

There was a couple seconds of silence until I repeated the same thing, "Uh huh," I breathed out.

Finally realizing that I should probably say some words, I pressed my lips together and put the moisture back in my mouth, "Uhm," I said, putting the papers down.

They all looked at me with hopeful expressions and Soldier placed a Capri sun on my lap. I didn't even realize he went to get me a drink but I gratefully took a sip and finally found the words to speak, "What the fuck," I breathed out.

Sure, those words probably weren't the best ones to say but they were necessary for this moment.

Ogus chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "So, what do you say?" He asked unsurely.

I flipped through the pages to already see their signatures down on the line. The curve of their letters and the messiness actually made it look perfect, it suited them since they had to be formal when it came to business.

I noticed I didn't have a pen on me, and so I walked over to Williams while all of the guys looked at me confusedly. I kissed my dad on the cheek before I grabbed the pen from his coat pocket and walked back over to my chair. The men eyed me in surprise and I sucked in a breath before the tip of my pen hit the paper.

"The night doesn't hold the darkness, but instead lights it up with the moon."

If I'm going to be honest, I was scared shitless right now. No, that would be an understatement, but someone once told me that you should face your fears and rise above the things that scare you and become scarier. Become more powerful than those things and if your way to do that is to do something that absolutely horrifies you, then so be it.

That someone, happens to be my father.

Even though I absolutely despised that man, the things he would say to build me up were things that I've grown to understand. In the end, my father's words were something that I never thought I needed before, but now I use them more than ever.

The men watched attentively as I started moving my pen swiftly across the paper. The point of the pen glided smoothly against the material as I signed the heart after my last name. And once I was finally done signing my name on Kai's contract, I moved onto Ogus's.

My hand shook as I put the pen back down and I bit my lip from trembling. I wasn't going to cry, I was overwhelmed. These men trusted me with their gangs, the gangs that they worked so hard for. And now, they're just giving it to me.

"Why?" I blurted out.

Ogus and Kai looked at each other briefly before turning to me, "Anything for you Diamonds," they said softly.

My heart skipped a beat at their words, anything for me? As much as their gangs? Their source of income? Their resource to stay on their feet?

If I said that they were dumbasses before, then they're complete airheads now.

I cleared my throat as I stood up from my chair and looked at them dead in the eyes, "You guys are such idiots," I said in a serious tone.

Silent But Sinister//COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now