XXXI - Spa

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I walked down the hallways of the school with Soldier by my side. I fiddled with my fingers as I searched the top of the classroom doors for the numbers 216. I wasn't sure why I was acting so nervous, there wasn't anything to be nervous about, so it didn't make sense.

I bit my lip in anticipation, I fiddled with my fingers nervously, my eyes darted from wall to wall, absorbing all of the colors around me. Even Soldier was acting nervous, his body was stiff and he crept closer to me with ever step he took. It looked like he was waiting for an invisible force to be thrown at his body.



I let out a shaky breath as I saw Emerald pacing back and forth on the phone inside the classroom. His body was tensed and he kept biting his nails, it seems Soldier and I aren't the only nervous ones in the school.

I felt coldness swarm throughout my body at the sight of my rat- I mean cousin looking more nervous than I've seen him before. From this distance, you could see that his green eyes held worry, and I only wondered what he could be worried about.

Deciding that I'd check his sticker later on, I carefully turned the handle and walked into the classroom, Soldier hiding behind me as I stepped in.

"Get that shit do-"

Emerald's eyes met mine and panic flashed his eyes before he quickly regained his composure, "I'll talk to you later."

He hung up the phone and I hopped on top of the large desk and swung my feet back and forth. Soldier stood guard next to me and watched Emerald's movements carefully.

"So," Emerald started awkwardly.

I smirked at the tension in the air and I blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "Robin is my favorite car."

I looked up to see him holding back a laugh which only made me smile, despite the hatred I have for him, "Really?" He asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and let out a breath, "Emerald why did you defend me back there?"

I didn't understand why he would stick up for me when he knew about me. I had a feeling that he was just faking it but my head was telling me that he still loved me like family. I didn't know which to believe but I knew that I couldn't trust family that easy anymore like I used to.

What happened to me? Why have I become so vulnerable to the people that come into my life? I used to be so built up, my walls were high and I wouldn't let anyone in except for George and my mom. Even when Jared and my mom married, I never talked to him or Liam. It took a deal and a fight for me to talk to the triple threat, so when did I start talking to people for fun?

He ran a hand through his hair and stood beside me, "Because you're my cousin Dia, I'm supposed to stick up for you," he said in a 'duh' tone.

I nodded my head but my body stiffened from his statement. Something wasn't adding up, and I could already feel my walls building themselves up high.

"I just wanted to tell you that I wanted to see Uncle Amethyst, maybe have a small family reunion, you know? Maybe we can have dinner or something," I said nonchalantly.

Emerald placed his hand on top of mine and my first instinct was to immediately pull away. But knowing that I had to put on an act I reluctantly held his as well.

"Of course DD, we can have dinner. I'll let you know when we're free, yeah?" He asked with a soft smile.

I flashed him one of my own and nodded my head. He kissed my forehead before leaving the classroom and I rushed to the girl's bathroom to wash my hands and face aggressively. I didn't want any trace of Emerald on me and kissing my forehead just made me wanna gag. How could someone be so fake? I swear, he's made of plastic; inside and out.

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