XXX - Vincent

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Colors of all different kinds, shades of light and dark, and all placed in different areas of the room.

Brown, beige, white, black, maroon; that was all that I focussed on to get away from my current thoughts.

I sat curled up in the middle of the floor as one of my hands were giving Soldier belly scratches. All of the guys met in the Gang Cave and were talking around the table as I sat silently near the bean bags and distracted myself with the different colors surrounding me. And why am I distracting myself you may ask?

Emerald found one of the Royal Aces' gang members.

I've searched the sticker on his neck, I've went through the audio and recording that was placed around the house, and I most definitely have been
doing research on this 'Black Spades' organization. But unfortunately, they're either off the radar or not that important, and I'm hoping for the latter.



"Someone gave it to me..."

"Do not trust those around you that you call family..."

Those words haunt me even more now that I know that all of it was Emerald. They haven't been replaying in my head constantly like before but instead they've lessened but mean more to me now. And for me to get those words off my mind, I look for colors.

"Diamonds, what are you doing on the floor?"

I looked up to see all of the men looking at me with curiosity, but I brushed it off and walked over to Kai to sit on his lap.

"What do we know so far?" I asked changing the subject.

They all looked at me before Ogus hesitantly spoke, "That it was definitely Emerald who had taken him, considering the fact that there was a green emerald drawn on a wall where the kidnapping took place," he explained annoyed.

I nodded my head and played with Kai's fingers as I spoke, "How much does that member know of our friendship?" I asked curiously.

"They know enough to ruin you, that's for sure. They're one of our most trusted and have seen you around with us," Jake scoffed.

Gears started to run in my head and I nodded my head with each approved thought that I came across. My finger tapped on the wooden table as fast as my mind was going and I bit my lip as all of the pieces started to form together by themselves. It was an easy plan, I'm not sure why I haven't thought about it before.

"Listen, I got a plan but it might be a bit risky since it'll possibly cost a life," I said in a serious tone.

They all shifted their bodies toward me and I continued explaining everything to them. After I had explained everything to them they all nodded in agreement but there was still one thing we had to cover before we started taking action.

"Okay, so who's going to go?" Jake asked.

"Well it obviously can't be one of us since Emerald already knows of our gangs or some shit, so it has to be one of our members," Austin breathed out.

I unravelled myself from Kai's hold and crouched down to Soldier. I rubbed my fingers through his fur and smiled at him, "Kakvo shte pravin momche?" I sighed out. (Translation: What are we going to do boy?)

Tons of people came to mind, but none of them seemed like the innocent type. All of my members are either too buff or too scary looking - none of them would make the cut.

As I continued to think about my most trusted gang members, one finally came to mind.

"Vincent," I blurted out.

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