XXXXV - Hope

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A loud boom shook the earth and I turned back towards the warehouse in panic. The whole building was set ablaze and my heart skipped a beat as I saw the flames get higher and higher as the structure started to crumble down from the large impact the grenade had caused. My heart sank as I thought about Diamonds being stuck in there before I heard a series of barks not too far from me.

In the distance, I saw Soldier pulling the familiar small figure towards us by the hood of her jacket and before I knew it, my feet were already moving. I dashed towards Diamonds at a speed I had never reached before with the eight other men in tow. We had sent the rest of the members back to their rightful bases and assured them that Silver had everything under control. But from the looks of the 'small' bonfire she started, everything definitely looked under control. (Note the sarcasm)

"Diamonds! Diamonds wake up baby," I shouted as I cupped her soft face in my hands. The rest of the men soon joined me and examined her body carefully while I examined her face for any signs of life. But I couldn't tell with the tears that brimmed my vision.

"She seems unconscious. There's still blood coming out of her shoulder," Williams said as he pulled out his phone.

I kissed Diamond's forehead as my hands trembled with worry. Small tears streamed down my face and I held her head against my chest, "Oh my fuck Diamonds how stupid are you?" I whispered.

I brushed her hair out as I heard a loud siren come from the distance but that didn't cause me to let go of her. Diamond's life was on the line here and I'd rather die before she does. Though, I think she'd kill herself just to meet me in hell and become my own personal devil if I ever did that.

The sirens grew louder as I pressed Diamond's ear against my chest and whispered sweet nothings into her ear, "Hey princess, it's going to be okay. Just make sure your heart is beating with mine and it'll all be okay. Make sure your heart is still beating princess," I pleaded quietly.

I might've seemed like a total wuss at the moment but I didn't care. These guys knew how much love I had for this girl and they'd be stupid to think any less of it. This girl in my arms, this queen, she's everything I got left to keep me going. Her small happy dances when I bring her coffee and flowers in the morning is what wakes me up, her smile and her glow is what inspires me to survive through my fights, and her warm and gentle touch is what I long for during my days. Diamonds had more of an affect on me than anybody else I have encountered in my entire life, and it's the scariest but greatest thing in the world.

Once I saw blue and red flashing behind me, hope fluttered in my chest for the hundredth time today and Richard gently took Diamonds out of my arms to set her on top of the rolling bed. I jumped into the ambulance with Williams and Soldier while the others took the cars and sped off to meet us at Diamond's hospital.

Yeah, you heard me right. Her hospital.

I held onto my Queen's hands tightly as if she were going to slip out of my grasp because that was honestly how I felt at the moment. Diamonds was dying and I was afraid that I may never actually get to hold her in my arms again while we cuddled in bed. Or her countless amounts of defeats when we hangout in her den or even the old folklore stories I read to her as she sleeps on top of me in her library. Or worse, I may never get to see the sparkle of those diamonds in her eyes ever again.

"Pumpkin, hang in there," Williams said as he held back a cry.

Soldier whimpered and placed his head on top of Diamond's hand, causing her sleeve to roll up and reveal the beautiful sapphire bracelet I had gotten her for her birthday. She wore the ring as well on her middle finger and I subconsciously arranged them so they were glowing in the ambulance light. I pushed her pigtail back to let the diamond earrings she never takes off shine beautifully onto the walls of the vehicle. She looked gorgeous, as always, and I was glad she was mine.

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