II - Skydiving

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I rolled around in my bed as I stretched my limbs and let out a sound that I don't think you could compare to any animal. I smacked my lips together a couple of times before I sat up in my bed and rested on my elbows while looking around.

All of the events of last night came rushing back into my mind and I rolled over to Soldier to see him sleeping in his bed beside me. After I had opened all of my gifts, all ten of us had made a little visit to my den and played a various amounts of games until I fell asleep on Kai's lap.

I remembered one of them carrying me up, but I can't recall which one. I knew it wasn't Kai since I'd recognize his cinnamon smell, so it must've been someone else.

I rolled off of my bed and stumbled along the way to my bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped myself of my clothing and stepped in tiredly. The warm water hit my skin and I soaked in it for a couple of minutes before I finally started washing my body.

Even though I'm eighteen now, it still means I'm the youngest between all of them. Kai, Blake, and Liam all had their birthdays soon after I had killed my father so that only left me a year younger than them. It was quite ironic how their birthdays were only separated by one day in a whole week. Like Kai's birthday was on Sunday, Liam's was on Tuesday, and Blake's was on Thursday; all before New year's.

I know I'm still a couple of months younger than them but they still treat me like I'm a baby when I'm not in gang mode. All of them do; and in all honesty it makes me feel special.

I walked to my walk in closet with a towel wrapped around my body while I had another towel dry my hair. I searched through the many hangers before I found a camo green zip up tank top along with light blue washed out jeans and a light colored belt. I threw them all on the white sofa in front of my TV and slipped on my beige lingerie before walking out to my bedroom again and sliding the clothes on.

 I threw them all on the white sofa in front of my TV and slipped on my beige lingerie before walking out to my bedroom again and sliding the clothes on

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I pulled on my black combat boots and Soldier and I walked towards the elevator and into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning Gold!" Williams greeted once he saw me.

I sat down in my chair at the head of the table while the rest of the guys greeted me with good mornings. Kai leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Good morning princess."

I pecked his lips quickly before sipping on the caramel macchiato the chef had prepared for me. All nine men were talking casually and ate as if they had just come out of a marathon. They ate quick, I almost grew concerned for them.

"What's your plan for today boss?" Richard asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Gotta go to the ba-"

"Oh no. No no no no no," Ogus said flicking his finger from side to side.

I arched an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean no?" I asked confusedly.

All of the men smiled at Ogus and then back to me, "It is still your birthday rebenok, we are going to have some fun," he smirked mischievously. (Translation: Child)

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