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I walked out of the school eagerly as I saw Richard's SUV waiting for me. He already had the door open for me and I hopped in before I kissed Kai goodbye.

"Will you call me after please?" Kai asked softly.

I nodded my head and pecked his lips one more time as Richard rounded the car after loading Soldier in. Blake and Liam kissed me on the cheek briefly before they closed the door and Richard sped off onto the main road.

"Richard?" I asked the big man.

"Yeah kiddo?" He asked without taking his eyes off the road.

I looked back to Soldier and sighed, "I'm kind of scared," I admitted.

Even after all of this time, I admitted that I was scared for the different outcomes of this awaiting war. It was just a matter of days before things could probably fall apart and I was scared for what could happen. Uncle Amethyst may be dumb, but his will power to get what he wants is scary. He'll make sure to get what he wants, even if death had to be the outcome of it.

I was scared that someone close to me might die and that's what prevented me from sleeping at night. I was horrorred from the thought of attending another funeral and seeing the ones I called family laying peacefully in a beautifully polished wooden coffin. I feared placing another sapphire on top of that said coffin and admitting that I couldn't be strong for them as they entered another world where they could be happier.

But what was worse, was probably never going to see them smile again as they died in the middle of war. That thought, made me sink into the deepest depths of my thoughts and choke on my own imagination. I drowned in my own mentality as I let my anxiety pull me down into different possibilities of death, and I stayed there until Richard had to dive down into those dangerous waters and pull me back up to the surface.

"Diamonds!" Richard boomed.

I jumped back from his volume and searched the area for any signs of danger, but was instead met with both of my commands standing at my side, looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay honey?" Joe asked gently, as if anything he would say would break me.

I looked down to see Soldier whining as he nudged my leg with his nose. I ran my hands through his fur as I looked back up to my commands, "Yeah, I'm good. C'mon, I have to go change," I said as I hopped out of the vehicle.

"Why do you need to change?" Joe asked while they followed me into the secret elevator.

"We're going for a moonwalk," I said nonchalantly.

They didn't ask any questions but instead told some members to get ready while I changed my attire in my office. I pulled on my black leggings and pulled on a grey sweater before I tied on my silver mask. I strapped myself up with different devices and finished it all off with my ear piece.

Soldier and I met with the other guys loading into the SUV's and I hopped into the front, in between my two commands. They were both strapped up in all black and they had left their leather jackets in exchange for plain, black t-shirts. Soldier sat in front of me as Richard started the vehicle and we started making our way to Lake Kailan.

"Is everybody strapped," I asked after I activated my ear piece.

"All good," I heard them reply into the device.

I sighed in satisfaction and rested my head on Joe's shoulder as we bumped up and down on the road. Richard was driving way above the speed limit and I couldn't blame him, I was eager too.

I thought about possibly seeing Jacque at the base but I was sure he wasn't going to recognize me, especially with my mask and all. If he ever did, then i think I'd be the first one to shoot him.

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