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"Diamonds! Intruder!" I heard someone yell frantically.

I shot up from my laying position and grabbed my gun that I had hidden in a cupboard and aimed it into the air, trying to identify my intruder but was instead met with nine men laughing uncontrollably.

At the realization of what they were doing, I set down my gun and ran my hand down my face, "What are you guys doing?" I groaned, getting louder with each word.

Soldier scratched on my leg and I trudged to the backyard so he could do his business.

"Sweet, sweet revenge," Kai said dramatically.

I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead, "Can we eat please?" I whispered.

He chuckled, "Of course princess," he said as he led me to the dining room.

All of the guys got seated and Soldier came in soon after a maid had set down his bowls. I gave him the signal and dug into my breakfast happily, finally able to take a day off without having to worry about any member of my bloodline out to get me.

I felt my muscles relax as I sat back into my chair and sipped on my coffee. For once in a long time, my body wasn't tense, my fists weren't clenched, and hollowness didn't swarm my chest. It's felt like forever since I've been this calm, and I actually felt myself going back to normal. Well, as normal as normal gets if you're a gang leader.

I groaned, "I feel so relieved!" I yelled not so lady like.

The men laughed at my comment and Williams picked me up from my chair, "C'mon pumpkin, you have to get ready," he said as he started carrying me up the stairs.

I shot my head up from his shoulder, "Where are we going?" I asked.

He rubbed my back and set me on my bed, "The lake, duh," he chuckled.

Before he could leave I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly, "Thanks Williams," I said softly.

He smiled, "Pumpkin, you don't have to thank me for carrying you up here," he said in a 'duh' tone.

I pulled him closer and hugged him tightly, "For that too, but also for everything that you've done for me. Thank you for buying me and protecting me from bad men who wanted me. And for sending Jewels away when you found out about his wrong doings. I really don't say it enough, but thank you dad," I muffled into his chest, afraid that if I looked into his eyes I might break out in tears.

Williams had protected me like no other and I loved him for taking care of me like a father should. He and the others have replaced that large hole in my chest and I couldn't believe they only asked for my love in return to thank them. I wanted to give them so much more, but there's only so much that I can do.

I heard William's heart quicken as he pulled me in impossibly tighter. He rubbed my back gently and spoke so softly, I was surprised I could even here him, "Thank you for making me feel normal again pumpkin. And thank you for being the best daughter in the world," he said.

His words meant just as much as the ink on that piece of paper. Never in my whole life would I think that an everyday item would mean so much to me, and I've never wanted to protect it with my life. Williams and the guys were everything to me, they were my reason to wake up in the morning. Along with Soldier, of course.

They keep me alive despite how much I think I'm going to die. They're my inspiration for survival and they motivate me to come back home safely at the end of the day. No matter how dangerous and deadly our minutes are, we as one large group, are deadlier.

Williams left my room and I went into my closet to get a bathing suit. I grabbed my pastel grey two piece and tied the string of the top once I put it on. I slid on the bottoms and shimmied on some shorts as well as a loose black crop top. I put on my black Nike slides and only grabbed my everyday phone since there were no shipments coming in today and I gave everybody the day off.

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