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The sound of my ringtone woke me up from my blissful sleep and brought me back to consciousness. I flung my hand around until I felt the vibration of my everyday phone ringing in my hands.

"Hm?" I answered.

"Okay good, you're alive," I heard Kai sigh in relief on the other line.

I chuckled from his relief and sat up in bed, "Good morning to you too Finnels," I said hoarsely.

"Princess, where are you?" Kai asked as I heard him shuffle around.

"I'm at Ogus's, I slept here for the night," I replied.

"Why'd you sleep there?" He asked confused.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, "Finnels, can we please talk later, I have to get ready for school," I said tiredly.

I heard him chuckle, "Of course my queen, I'll see you there. I love you," he said as I heard him close his front door.

"I love you too, bye Finnels," I said before I hung up.

I set my phone on my lap and looked around at the room for a bit before I had to start getting ready. It was a big room and everything in it made it look sleek, but what caught my attention was the red short dress and white converse that were hanging near the bathroom door.

I got up from the bed and looked towards the digital clock to see I had an hour and a half to get ready for school, along with a note.

'Good morning rebenok, I have already taken your dirty clothes and had some maids pick out some clothing for you to wear to school today since I didn't want you to shoot off my balls if I had done it myself. Meet down for breakfast - Dyadya'

I smiled down at the piece of paper and got up from the bed immediately to start getting ready. I felt happy with the small gesture Ogus had done and couldn't help but smile as I took a shower. It wasn't much, but I took it at heart. He didn't have to do what he did but he did anyways, and that's what made my heart smile.

It really is the little things that make a girl happy because everything we do, we take it at heart. Everything you do for or to us will represent how much you care and love for us and that's why we're so impressed by the little things. Being a gentlemen for five minutes can make us smile for the whole week because we'll remember what you did and how happy it made us feel. Ogus knew I would scold him for picking out my lingerie so he decided against it, and that's also another reason why I was happy. He knew what I did and didn't like because he listens and cares about how I feel, and that was why I respected him just as much as he respected me.

I let my hair air dry and shimmied on the red dress. It had a low v-neck that exposed my breasts a bit but it wasn't too low. The fabric was silky and hugged my figure softly while the rest of the fabric flowed from the waist down. I tied on the white converse with it and shuffled my feet to make sure they fit, and they were exactly the right size.

 I tied on the white converse with it and shuffled my feet to make sure they fit, and they were exactly the right size

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