XXXX - Fair

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I sat in my theatre room watching Grown Ups with George as I threw pieces of popcorn into Soldier's mouth. George kept laughing at the different scenes as if he were watching them for the first time, but I kept my face blank the whole time.

After the base, George had called me and asked if he could come over. Before I even had a second to process his words, he said he was on his way and I wasn't allowed to make any excuses. As if I were going to talk anyway...

Even though George isn't part of this gang life, I still didn't want to talk to anybody. Despite how long we've known each other or how much we've helped one another over the years, that sincerity and love had vanished along with the rest of me. Talking and breaking down my walls all over again was too much of a risk in a situation like mine. To me, right now, George was going to get treated like everybody else- even though deep down I knew he would never do that.

Thinking about all that we've conquered together only made me feel nothing still. Everything that I've gone through with him and the battles we've had with the world didn't bring any sort of feeling to my chest whatsoever. But it's okay, I can tell he's happier with everything this way.

"Almonds! C'mon, laugh with me," George complained.

I rolled my eyes at him and stared at the screen blankly as I watched the family in the water park. Sometimes I wondered how this fucker could laugh so much for a movie he's watched over and over again.

George sighed and paused the movie to turn to me, "Diamonds, please talk," he pleaded softly as he played with my fingers.

I pursed my lips together in a straight line and narrowed my eyes at him. I turned to Soldier with a cocked eyebrow to see if he were thinking the same thing but he just whimpered in response. I sighed as I got up from my beanbag and walked out of the theatre room with George being dragged behind me.

"Are we finally going to have some fun?" He asked excitedly.

I mentally groaned at how he wanted to do something so badly. Can't he see that I have more important things to do than to watch a fucking movie with him? I have work, I have school, I have many things to occupy me than hanging out with him. And all of those things seem much more fun than hearing the same people recite the same lines in the same fucking movie.

I swung the front door open and pulled him out to his truck. I then opened the driver's door for him and gestured to the seat. "You want me to leave?" He asked sadly.

Whoops, was it that obvious?

I rolled my eyes and walked back towards the open doorway where Soldier was sitting at. He watched George drive off but I didn't spare a single glance as I closed the door and started walking towards my office.

You may think it's cruel on how I could just do that to an old friend but really, I didn't care. I didn't give a flying fuck if I hurt his feelings or shit like that. He has a boyfriend who could easily take care of him better than I could ever right now. I'm not going to risk anything in my life because of some stupid people I let in my life. Can't anybody see that?

I started finishing up some homework and then switched off into my legal businesses paperwork. I had called some clients and scheduled meetings in different parts of the world along with different shipments from foreign countries. I even called Benjamin to check up on the contract I had sent him a couple days ago and he said he had already signed it.

I was glad that it was easy to make a deal just because I got into someone's head the way I did. And guess what? Did I use my body? Did I seduce my way into this deal? No, I used my fucking head and used my knowledge as a fucking weapon. Bada bing bada boom bitch.

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