XXVII - Moon Walk

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I started my drive to school like usual, but today was going to be a little more different; more interesting.

Ever since Joe and Richard had left yesterday morning, all I've been doing is work. One day of relaxing and one night of fun was already enough, so I went straight back to work after nursing my commands back to soberness.

Richard's words had been ringing through my ears ever since they left his mouth, it's even made it hard for me to sleep at night but I always find myself relaxing when I think of Kai's warmth around my body. And I genuinely plan on commiting to my promise just for the sake of my boys, if not for myself.

I pulled the strap of my yellow tank top back up and used one hand to run my hands through Soldier's fur, the other on the wheel. Today, I was wearing a neon yellow tight tank top with a v-neck with some denim shorts. I had my yellow checkered slide on vans pressing against the gas pedal and I had successfully finished my look off with my famous cherry chapstick.

As I started walking up the steps to the school, I traced the outline of my tattoos and replayed the procedures of my plan over and over again in my head

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As I started walking up the steps to the school, I traced the outline of my tattoos and replayed the procedures of my plan over and over again in my head. I wasn't going to fail this one, I've never failed any one of my plans, so why start now?

I stopped at my locker and switched out my books before crouching down to Soldier and rubbing his fur. When I reached his collar, I discreetly pulled out the invisible sticker device just in time for my target to approach me.


I casually got up and turned around to see Emerald beaming at me. Now, this is one of the reasons why I don't talk or make friends with people; they're nosy, judgey, and just plain fake. You can't even trust your own blood to be real with you, it's a sad thing to think about, but it's the truth.

I smiled up at him and jumped into his arms excitedly. I planted the sticker on his neck discreetly as I pulled away and saw that he was already smiling at me, "Jumpy this morning, are we?" He joked.

I dropped my smile at his failed pun and he roared with laughter. I rolled my eyes and released myself from his hold before engulfing him in a normal hug.

"I thought you were going to he gone for a week?" He asked confusedly.

It's crazy how good of an actor Emerald was. If he weren't trying to kill me then I'd honestly believe he'd win an Oscar or a Grammy for his impeccable talent. But that's not what's happening, now is it?

I was just about to open my mouth when I remembered we were in the middle of the hallway. Students were talking non stop and some were eyeing me with envy. I started pulling him to an empty classroom until I was for sure no one was going to hear us.

"Sorry, during the flight to Wisconsin there was terrible weather, so I only got one meeting done and flew back home," I exclaimed apologetically.

He smiled and rubbed my shoulders, "It's okay, I was just confused because Austin came to my house-"

"Austin went to your house?" I asked in bewilderment.

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