VII - I Miss Them

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I turned my head to see none other than my hunk of junk boyfriend coming my way. And to add to the sexiness and his boyish grin; an apple juice and daisy.

"Wow, your boyfriend must love you," Emerald chuckled.

I slapped his shoulder playfully and closed my locker just in time for Kai to approach us, "Good morning my beautiful angel of a girlfriend," he beamed as he kissed my forehead.

I arched an eyebrow at him suspiciously and my irises danced around his features for any clue of why he was acting like this. Yeah he's happy in the mornings but not this happy.

I continued to narrow my eyes on him until Emerald grabbed my wrist and made my fingers wrap themselves around the juice Kai had in his hands. I guess I was eyeing him with so much curiosity that I forgot all about the little gifts Kai bring me in the mornings.

"Princess, are you okay?" Kai asked worriedly. I nodded my head and gave him a soft smile as I took the gifts from him.

He was too excited this morning, as if he had just won the million dollar prize. This dare devil seemed too joyful for an early start like this and I intend on getting to the bottom of it.

Kai snuck his hand into mine and we walked through the hallways with our fingers intertwined. I smiled up at him to see him already smirking down at me, and I blushed just from the proud glint he had in them. It was only two days ago that I had brought Mary to Patrick, which means it was two days ago that Kai had surprised me when he showed up at my house unannounced. This man is full of surprises, stuff that I can't even balance between 'mischief' and 'dangerous'.

"Oh princess, I also saw these little snacks for Soldier when I bought your juice," Kai said as he held out a small brown paper bag and handed it to me.

At the mention of his name, Soldier perked up and started sniffing the bag greedily. I opened it to reveal small snicker sized doggy treats that also smelled like peanut butter. If Soldier wasn't going to eat these, I definitely would.

Soldier let out a small bark in approval and I giggled at his eagerness. I gave one to Kai and he broke a piece off and tossed it to Soldier, which he caught skillfully.
Emerald laughed at Soldier's trick and gave him an ear scratch in return.

Kai kissed me on the forehead and sighed, "You're beautiful."

I turned away to hide my blush but he turned my head back to him, "Let me see you blush!" He whined.

Many students turned back to us and some even let out an 'awe' which made me blush even more. Kai sent them all a glare before giving me a quick peck on the lips and turning to the teacher.

During my morning classes Kai would repeatedly sneak kisses here and there, sometimes even distracting me from taking my notes. It wouldn't bother me or anything since it was once every class; he knew his limits because he knows how serious I take my education and my work. He knows when to not bug me and I think that's the only thing that's keeping him uninjured right now.

"Step sissy, can I talk to you?" Liam asked as he approached our lunch table. Emerald had gone out to eat for lunch, so it was just us five again; including Soldier.

I cocked an eyebrow in curiosity and he tilted his head to the side to follow him. I gave Kai a quick kiss and Blake a kiss on his forehead before Soldier and I left to go follow Liam into the school's corridor.

A small slight of panic and confusion rose in my chest as I followed Liam. Something in his tone when he asked me to talk kind of worried me, and I knew I shouldn't have questioned anything any further with how urgent he made it seem. I was curious, worried, confused. Things that shouldn't be put together if Liam ever wants to talk.

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