XII - Chase Me

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I'm never. Ever. Going to the mall with the boys ever again.

All they did was mess around the stores and even pretend to be girls while they tried on bras.

It's ridiculous, I know.

Even Soldier whined in embarrassment when all of the shoppers would look at us as if we were crazy. But of course they didn't say anything because we would always send a couple of glares their way and they'd turn around as if they hadn't seen anything.

But they only did that in the lingerie section of stores, in the other sections they'd help me pick out some clothes and I'd help them with the same, but I just had more bags. I even bought a couple of more toys for Soldier since his old ones were getting worn out and he picked them out himself. He was definitely a shopaholic when it came to the doggy stores.

Most of the time the men carried me because I either wasn't watching where I was going or they wanted to bring me to another store for a surprise. And let me tell you, I never knew malls could hold such unexplainable shops in them.

"Do you need some help putting them aw-"

"No! No more!" I laughed.

I knew that if they continued to touch my clothes, they'd only mess around with them. I swear, you do not know how hard it is to keep in your laugh for that long.

Blake pouted but nodded his head nonetheless before walking out of the house and back into his car. The men all said their goodbyes, leaving Soldier, Kai and I by ourselves while the maids went up stairs to put my clothes away.

"Why'd you guys come with?" I asked curiously as I walked into the dining room. I know they weren't only there to keep me company, there was more behind what they were doing and I wanted to know what it was.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked dumbly.

I arched a suspicious eyebrow at him and he sighed, "I told them that you seemed really pissed yesterday at your base, and we decided that it would be best if we helped you get your mind off things," he explained.

I clicked my tongue at the top of my mouth, "I would've been okay Finnels," I said assuringly.

"No, Diamonds, you wouldn't. I've never seen you that angry before and you actually worried me. We just wanted to help you princess," he said softly, mumbling the last part but I heard him clearly.

I didn't want him to think that I didn't appreciate what they did because I enjoyed every second of it. They made me feel better and their silly behavior cleared my mind of everything I had to worry about: my gang, my education, everything. The only thing I focused on were my boys and they were enough to make me feel content.

I placed my hand over Kai's and gave him a soft smile, "It's okay Finnels, I didn't mean to say it like that. I really appreciate what you guys did today and I can't thank you enough for helping me. I love you," I whispered.

He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, "I love you too princess."

I looked down at Soldier and gave him the 'go' signal before turning back to Kai, "I have to go to Korea tomorrow," I stated nonchalantly.

"Should I stay over then?" He asked blankly.

"Why stay over when you're not coming with?" I deadpanned. I know I said that he could already come, but I just wanted to tease him a bit.

I heard a loud clink against the plate and I inwardly smirked at how affected he was by this. There were a few seconds of silence while I ate before Kai finally spoke up, "I thought you said I could come with you," he said sadly.

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