XIX - Drained

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I walked down the many stairs exhausted from all of the worry that took over my body. I rubbed my tired eyes as I walked into the kitchen where all of the men were either resting their heads on the kitchen island or icing their wounds.

"Williams, what was that?" I asked hesitantly.

All heads turned to the latter, awaiting an answer and he sighed, "Kai, I told you before that Diamonds never gets pissed-"

"Then what the fuck was that? Joy?" Ogus scoffed sarcastically.

Williams pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke, "What I mean is; Diamonds usually- no- Diamonds always has control over her emotions. Like you said before; she tends to lie to hide her feelings but never lies for anything else. But she can only hold so much that she eventually breaks," Williams explained disappointedly.

"What the hell is going on with her? Why did you need to put a sedative in her Williams?" Joe asked warily.

Williams downed the rest of his water before he spoke, "Whenever Diamonds is pissed, she never has control of her anger. The only thing we can do to help her is to let her rest her body and mind. This is the most outraged I've ever seen her," he breathed out the last part but we heard him clearly.

There's been other times he's had to do this to her?

I was glad that someone else was thinking the same thing because Austin spoke up, "When has she ever been like this?" He asked quietly.

Williams slowly looked up to all of us and pursed his lips together, "Jewels."

The memory of Diamonds pushing Jewel's head into the pool flashed in my mind. The murderous look she had in her beautiful hazel eyes made them look black, I hardly even recognized her with how much hate was written all over her face. Her figure towering over her mother's helpless, fearful body caused me to remember the look of hatred she shot Jewels when he was catching his breath.

"What about when she saw her father?" Liam asked, and I saw how it sent shivers down his body to speak of him.

Williams shook his head as he poured himself some bourbon, "She had killed him, so she felt at ease that she had taken care of him. This," Williams said gesturing to the situation at hand, "This is chaotic."

Richard rubbed his eyes and let out a long sigh, "What's going on with her Williams?" He asked worriedly.

He chuckled humorlessly before taking a sip of his alcohol, "She's losing her fucking mind."



There was an insane pounding in my head as I woke up. I felt a soft, furry figure under my arm as my eyes fluttered open and by the unnecessary lick that attacked my face, I didn't need to know who it was.

"Soldier," I whispered groggily as I sat up against my headboard.

The hound shuffled over to me and placed his head on my lap and I ran my fingers through his fur for comfort. My eyes started adjusting to my surroundings and saw that I was in my room. The familiar scent of cinnamon filled my nostrils so I looked around the room for any sign of Kai, but he was no where to be found.

I looked back down at Soldier and that's when I noticed that I was wearing one of Kai's colored shirts.

No wonder why it smelled like cinnamon...

The moon casted a shadow on the floors of my bedroom and I absentmindedly started walking towards my window. I sat down on the floor and just admired everything that was outside; the gardens, the pool, the woods, and the bright light of the moon...

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