VI - Mary

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I watched the buildings passing by as I ran my hands through Soldier's fur. The sun was going to set very soon but I didn't mind, as long as we got food after this small mission.

"Boss, tell me who's right: If Theresa's daughter is my daughter's mother, who am I?" Joe asked from the front.

"You're Theresa right?!" Richard yelled.

"No you dumbass you're Theresa's daughter!" Joe argued.

They continued bickering for another couple of minutes, and even when I had hoped they had died down, they didn't.

"Shut up we're close you two," I shouted over their arguing.

They both stopped immediately and nodded their heads, "Sorry," they mumbled.

I shook my head and felt the car coming to a slow stop at a corner. I observed my surroundings and realized we were only in a neighborhood with nice suburban houses with beautiful green lawns. Cars of different kinds lined up in their driveways and trees filled with so many leaves were standing in front of a couple of houses. It was a nice neighborhood and it looked pretty safe, which was the best disguise for dangerous activity.

"Which house is it?" Joe asked.

I continued to look around the surrounding houses until my eyes suddenly caught view of some suspicious behavior in the house down the road. "There," I pointed from in between them.

They both followed my gaze and nodded their heads in clarification. We double checked if we were strapped up before casually getting out of the car, my jacket and silver mask in my bag.

We walked down the street talking as if nothing were suspicious until we approached the house next to Patrick's. Soldier continued to run around the grass as if nothing was wrong but he knew what our plan was.

We rang on the doorbell and a nice woman with brown hair and light brown eyes flashed us a smile, "Hello, what can I do for you?" She asked sweetly.

"Ma'am we need to get to your backyard because we've been reported some suspicious behaviour, may we come in?" Joe asked politely.

Her face went from sweet to worry quickly and she stepped to the side for us to walk in, "Of course, let me lead the way."

She led us to the backyard and went back inside to let us do our work. I searched over the white picket fence and saw many men piled in a living room with cartoons shown on the TV, one of them were on the couch as if he were talking to somebody.

I pulled my mask on and zipped up my jacket before I took out my silencer and aimed it at the men, Joe and Richard following in suit.

I walked through the gate and hid behind a set of bushes while Soldier sniffed around the grass. I continued to sneak my way closer to the house until I was up against the wall near the window. Soldier was sitting near the fence and Richard was right behind him, watching everything and everybody inside. Soon, both of my commands snuck their way over to the house as well and our backs were pressed up against the walls.

I heard moving around and muffled talking before the back screen door opened and a man stepped out to light a cigarette. Richard crept behind him slowly and knocked him out with the handle of his gun. His body grew limp and we soon snuck into the house by the open door and made our way to the living room.

Soldier was on my tail and once he had barked to get their attention, guns were blazing along with screams of pain and Soldier's growling.

"What the fuck?!" A man yelled from afar.

Bullets flew past me but never at me which was quite embarrassing considering our distance. Joe, Richard and I injured some men with our silencers while Soldier continued to bite and bark like never before. I have never been such a proud owner for Soldier.

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