XXIV - Paintball

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"What do you want to do?" Kai asked.

After our run we came back home and ate breakfast like usual. We had taken a shower and gotten dressed already, but now we're just not sure of what to do.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind and I turned to Kai with a devilish smirk, "I have an idea."

He cocked an eyebrow in curiosity but by the flash of angst in his eyes, I could tell he was cautious of speaking, "And what's that princess?" He asked anxiously.

I looked down at Soldier who was panting up at me. I started walking towards the garage while Kai followed in tow. I let Soldier in the back of the black SUV and slipped into the driver's seat to see Kai hastily getting in.

"Should I be worried?" He asked as I pulled out of the mansion.

I shrugged my shoulders and let out a casual hum, "If you want to be, yeah," I said coolly.

Today I wasn't going to worry about my gang, I wasn't going to worry about business or anybody else except Kai, Soldier, and I. We were going to have fun and that's all I needed right now; not worrying about shipments and deals.

I sped faster as I saw the large sign of the Paintball arena and swerved into the parking lot so fast, I thought I heard Soldier tumble from one side of the car to the other. But when I turned around, my big baby was sitting in the middle seat casually with the seatbelt I strapped him in.

"Paintball?" Kai asked surprised.

I nodded my head vigorously and smiled cheekily, "Of course. I need to shoot someone without anybody actually getting injured," I said before I quickly hopped out and unbuckled Soldier.

As we started walking towards the entrance of the arena I heard Kai mumble something along the lines of 'If this were real life she'd kill me repeatedly.'

Kai talked to the man at the booth and we split the payment since I refused to have Kai pay for something I brought him to. We got geared up while Soldier sat behind the cages because I'd be damned if I let my baby get hurt from a paintball gun.

"You ready to lose Illium?" Kai asked cockily as he strapped on his goggles.

"Not as ready as you Finnels," I answered smugly.

I got on the other side with the other players while Kai was on the other end. He stood out from all of the men and teenagers since he was really big and buff, while I probably stood out because I was the only girl.

I smirked as Kai started loading his paintball gun and I started loading mine, and when we were ready the loud buzzer went off and we all sprawled around the arena.

Groans of pain were heard from hormonal teenages as they got shot and I was satisfied with my aim. I climbed, crawled, jumped and ran throughout the place without even a second to hesitate. I saw Kai on the other side shooting down some dad's and I just chuckled at him since I was so close to getting the flag.

As I jumped over a wooden wall my foot got stuck and I fell. I landed on my side and groaned in agony as a hard pain shot through my arm.

"Hey! Are you okay?" One of the opposing members rushed over to me.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, but you won't."

Before he had a second to process my words I shot him with a green substance and he whined from the loss, "Awe man!" He complained.

I chuckled at my victory and started moving once my arm felt a little better. I heard Soldier barking from behind the cages and when I turned to see what the problem was, my heart skipped a beat.

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