XI - Outside

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I rubbed my fingers together as I waited for the Royals to come. Today was the day I was supposed to tell Williams, Decks, and the Royals about my situation and come up with different solutions of how to deal with it. I was just so nervous about telling them, I was nervous of what they were going to say and how they would propose we deal with it.

Right now, Joe, Richard, Williams, and the Decks are all in our 'group room' we call the Gang Cave. It's where we meet whenever there's a problem that needs all of our attention whenever one of us are stuck, and it's really helpful when we do. It's one of the many spare rooms I've had in my house so we all made an agreement that we should build one and use it to meet up whenever we need to discuss any important matters.

Of course it has security in it since only us nine can enter it. There is a high tech finger print scanner - that I designed myself I might add - and it also has an eye scanner for extra precautions. I know it's a bit extreme, but this room is sacred to us. Even George doesn't have any access into it.

The room itself is as large as an average highschool classroom. There is a round table in the middle that holds enough seats for ten people and of course; a couple of large beanbags in the corner. There's a mini fridge and a small cupboard filled with different snacks since some of our discussions can last a millennium. It also has its own adjoining restroom and a small control area where we can look at the security footage of my cameras surrounding the house, just in case there's any movement going on while we're discussing some things.

There's also a hidden door behind the mini fridge that holds guns and weapons for situations like those. But we never really had to use it since nobody knows where my house is.

Liam, Blake and Kai sat in the bean bags discussing some things that needed to be done for their gang. Williams, Joe and Richard talked about different businesses that they seemed to have an interest in. Which only leaves me alone with my thoughts while Soldier sits in front of me so I can give him scratches. We've been waiting five minutes now for the Royals, and I couldn't get any more nervous.

"Who's my big brave guard dog?" I cooed in a baby voice. Soldier barked in response and I giggled at his enthusiasm.

A small click broke me out of my conversation with Soldier - or whatever you want to call it - and Jake, Austin, and Ogus all walked in with smiles as they saw us.

I stood up from my position on the floor and walked up to greet them, "Hey guys," I beamed once I hugged them.

"Hi sweet pea," Austin said as he kissed my forehead.

"Hey darling," Jake smirked as he kissed my temple.

I turned to Ogus and he lifted me off my feet and embraced me in a tight hug, "Hello rebenok," he sighed in content.

I don't know what's up with their nicknames for me, but I secretly love it and adore the fact that I have a special place in their hearts.

All of the men greeted each other before sitting down at the table and waiting for me to discuss my problem. I sat down on the big leather rolling seat criss crossed while my right hand was busy with Soldier's fur.

Man, he feels like a cloud...

What conditioner do the groomers use for his fur?

Why do dogs have softer fur than my hair?

My head shot up at the sound of someone clearing their throat and I looked up to see all nine men staring at me expectedly. I visibly gulped and sucked in a breath before speaking, "So I know I hardly ever ask you guys for help," I started.

"Yeah, I think this is the first time you've actually had a problem you wanted to discuss with us precious," Blake snorted.

All of the other men agreed and I looked towards Joe and Richard for help. They gave me a look that said 'its up to you' and put their hands up in surrender.

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