XXII - Happy

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And right when I pushed my luck...

"Stop lying Joe," I chuckled nervously.

"Honey, why would I lie about a couple of black escalades following us down the highway?" He asked rhetorically.

I pursed my lips together as I gently pushed Soldier down to the floor. Gears started to turn in my head as I searched for a way out.

"I need you guys to listen carefully of what I say," I said lowly.

When they didn't answer I continued, "We're going to switch positions until I'm at the back of all of you. Once you pass me, you're going to speed out of the highway as fast as you can but do not go to any of your houses or your bases. Just keep going straight until you reach the outskirts of the city and you're sure there are no cars behind you. Do not stop until I say so," I instructed slowly.

"And what are you gonna do?" Williams asked.

I smirked devilishly and tightened my grip on the wheel as I growled, "I'm going to show them Gold."

At my cue all of the men started switching lanes and speeding off straight ahead like I told them to. The escalades never got a chance to follow them since the neighboring lanes were crowded with cars, and it was only a lucky shot when we had to switch positions.

Joe was the last person I had to switch with until I had to lose those fuckers and every one of those boys would be safe far ahead of me.

"Joe you ready?" I asked confidently.

"As ready as I'll ever be boss," he replied in the same tone.

I chuckled humorlessly and tightened my grip even more, "Great, because I'm sure as hell not."

We switched positions quickly and I watched as Joe sped off like his life depended on it because it kind of did. The cars behind me tried finding a way around my car but were blocked off well from the honking vehicles of the highway. I smirked as they started to speed up and were only kissing my bumper from time to time.

"If you assholes are really dumb enough to make a scratch on one of my cars, you must really want to dance with the devil," I growled lowly.

"You're scary," Jake admitted.

I chuckled humorlessly at his confession and shook my head, "I'm not scary Jakey," I said as I started to speed up slowly.

"I'm sinister."

I pressed on the gas quickly and sped my way in between cars and out of different lanes at the speed of light. I heard different cars honking at me but I didn't care enough for it. As long as I didn't hit them, they shouldn't be complaining, right?

When one of the escalades were still behind me, I scoffed and started taking abrupt turns in and out of different neighborhoods like a maze that I knew all too well. But if I'm being honest, I was just lucky.

"We're in the outskirts," Ogus informed me.

"There are no cars following behind us," Richard chimed in.

"You guys can stop now," I said calmly, even though my hands were going crazy on the wheel.

The same car continued to follow me and I grunted at their skill. But let me tell you, a skill is not only a talent but it's a form of strategy. While I was driving, this guy's tires were screeching so much from the abrupt turns that they would soon fall off and cause him to crash or possibly roll over. He's using his skill to catch up with me but I'm using a strategy to take him out.

I started speeding down the outskirts of the city with the car still following behind me. I kept one hand gripped on the steering wheel tightly while the other was on my E-brake, ready to pull.

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