XXVI - Late Night

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After I called Joe I headed up to my bedroom to take a quick shower before they came to pick me up. I didn't know what I was thinking but I had this urge to just be with my commands since everybody else was doing their own thing. I didn't want to bother the others with their work and such, but Joe and Richard are enough to make me happy.

I hopped up and down as I pulled on my baggy camo pants and tugged on my white T-shirt. I buckled on the belt and tied the laces of my white converse while I let my long black hair air dry and form into their natural waves.

 I buckled on the belt and tied the laces of my white converse while I let my long black hair air dry and form into their natural waves

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I made sure I had my gun, phones, and even my gang iPad in my bag before I headed downstairs to wait for my commands.

I played fetch with Soldier a few times before the doorbell rang and we went to go open it. Once the click sounded when I unlocked the door I was immediately swept into the arms of a giant.

"Hey kiddo! Long time no see!" Richard yelled gleefully as he spun me around.

"You literally saw me yesterday and today, what the hell is your definition of a 'long time'?" I deadpanned.

He set me down and the both of them gave me kisses on the foreheads before we walked out, "Well, we've hardly hung out, just the three-" I hit his shoulder and gestured to Soldier, "Oh right, the four of us," he corrected.

You know, now that I actually think of it, it has been awhile since I've hung out with them by ourselves. Usually when we see each other it's when all of us are together or it's because of business. It made me feel bad that I wasn't being considerate of them and worried that all of them felt the same way.

Mental note: Hang out with all of the guys individually.

I chuckled as they opened the back door of the Range Rover for me, "Yeah, but tonight I want to have fun," I cheered.

During the drive I told them about what I wanted to do tonight and they both seemed excited about it. There wasn't much gang business to get done tonight except for one shipment of meth from Zimbabwe that I assigned Arthur to take care of.

If I couldn't have a peaceful day with my boyfriend, I only hoped I could have a peaceful night. Sure gangs are dangerous and most of them are so intimidating that you'd consider them the monsters under your bed, but some of us just want to forget about the gang life every once in awhile. Betrayal and disappointment has come into my life like the Great Wall of China and I just want to tear it down.

Richard parked on the side of the road and Joe didn't take a second to hop out and open the door for me. When Soldier and I touched the concrete side walk, I looked up and admired the tall buildings before me. Small restaurants and cafés were still open since they were 24/7, many windows of tall buildings resembled stars with their glow, and the honking engines of cars and footsteps of pedestrians filled our ears.

It really gave off the New York vibe and I liked it.

"Where to boss?" Richard asked from beside me.

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