XXXII - Uncle Amethyst

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"Repeat after me: 'I'll give you my respect in return for yours', now you try."

I replayed the words in my head and flicked my finger in the air with each word before repeating, "I'll give you my respect in return for yours."

Daddy smiled and he gave me a soft kiss on the forehead, "That's good Sapphire, now do you know why I'm teaching you this?" He asked.

I shook my head and he nodded his head in understanding, "Because you are not physically strong enough to let others respect you. You have to use your voice, you have to know your worth, that's why I hurt your mom. She doesn't have any respect for me, so I constantly have to remind her of who she belongs to, do you want that Sapphire?" He explained.

I shook my head no again and he gave me a smile, "Then make sure you respect me."

I felt a hand grip onto my thigh and just from the small contact, my body and mind instantly felt at ease. Their fingers traced small patterns on the outside of my jeans and I focussed on them carefully, pinpointing which parts of my thigh he touched and how the hairs on my arm stood up when the grip teasingly tightened.

"What keeps your mind busy princess?" Kai asked softly.

I averted my gaze from the buildings passing by and turned to Kai who was glancing between the road and me, "I was going through the memory of my father's first lesson of respect. I remembered him telling me before that, but this one I was more aware of his words. Well, only the part where he told me that respect is the only reason why he beat my mommy," I whispered.

Just by the reminder that my father is the reason why my mother is gone only made my stomach churn. He carried his possessiveness of her to his grave, and it was fucking disgusting. How could Emerald not feel the same for his father? For as much as I know, Emerald looked up to his mother as a sign of strength. He admired the way she always got back up after she was beaten down, she put up a fight, and Emerald loved that about her.

So why hasn't Uncle Amethyst been put in his place? Is Emerald scared to do it himself? Should I do it for him?

Kai's grip on my thigh only tightened as I spoke, and I could tell he felt the same way too by the way his jaw clenched. I placed my hand on his and started playing with his fingers, which automatically caused him to loosen up.

"I'm sorry princess-"

"Kai please," I whispered. He looked over to me with scrunched eyebrows but his eyes held pity- the one thing I hated most whenever I'd talk about her.

"Please don't look at me like that," I said turning away from his gaze.

He started tracing patterns on my thigh again and I looked back to see Soldier sitting gingerly in the back seat.

"Red me alsjeblieft als ik mezelf soldaat verlies," I said softly to him. He whimpered in return and licked my hand in response. (Translation: Please save me if I lose myself Soldier)

I turned back to the windshield to see that we were already parking in front of the restaurant. Delizioso was an Italian restaurant that I would occasionally come to during my free period after school. And I must say, they serve the best pasta.

I grabbed my purse and let Soldier jump out of the car before Kai led me up to the doors. He wrapped his hand tightly around my waist as we walked up to the wooden podium where a guy who looked like he was in college organized the menus.

"Table for two?" He smiled at the both of us.

I didn't say anything but instead snatched the clipboard from the podium and searched it until I saw the name Kollster on it. I pointed at it and the man's eyes went wide with recognition.

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