XXXV - Deal

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I sat casually in my meeting, listening to every word that Michael was saying until it was finally time to go.

Soldier and I walked out of the large building and saw Richard and Joe talking near the car. The expressions on their faces told me that what they were discussing was something important, but it was soon wiped off once I came into their line of view.

"Hey boss, ready to go?" Joe asked as he opened the car door for me.

I pulled out my phone and sent him a text, telling him where I wanted to go and that they didn't have to come with me this time. They agreed and we started driving towards the restaurant for lunch.

"A drug breeder in Brazil wants to start business with us. They said that they had loads of cocaine, meth, and marijuana ready for shipment right away if we stopped by and made the deal," Richard informed me as he drove.

I nodded my head while taking a picture of Soldier looking out the window. What? They say 'Take a picture, it'll last longer'. Don't judge me.

I started texting my pilot and informed him that we would be stopping in Brazil before heading back home. I also told him to have a copy of our gang contract so I could hand it to these men that wish to make a deal with us. We've been getting deals handed to us around the world like this, they know what they're signing up for and they know who they're dealing with; so if they ever tried to pull any stupid shit, a bullet goes through their head. Simple.

Richard pulled up at the side of the curb and Soldier and I walked out coolly. My commands drove off once I got inside the restaurant and I was immediately served a table once the waitor saw me walk in.

I searched the menu for something for Soldier and pointed out which ones I wanted. When they had left to go get our food, I examined the restaurant carefully and noticed the table in the secluded dining area.

I didn't even notice that I came to the same restaurant I had dined in the last time I was here for a meeting, but now that I had, I still felt nothing.

Memories of when Kai and I sat there flooded my mind and I remembered the challenge we had for whoever was the best shopper. I remembered being so scared for myself since I had no hope in his sense of fashion but learned my lesson to never doubt him when he actually did a good job. I was impressed by his taste, and he was impressed by mine.

I let out a sigh of annoyance of what used to be and dug into the food that I had ordered after I gave Soldier the signal. Instead of looking around the restaurant, I decided to look outside and enjoy the view of London.

Pedestrians carried shopping bags of different sizes and I even saw a man holding a bunch of strings with balloons floating around him. A group of women in yoga pants and sweatbands moved hurriedly as they walked on the pavements. A couple was walking their dogs with two kids playing around them gracefully, and I even saw a shoeshiner sweat as he brushed ferociously on a man's dress shoes. I watched every corner of the buildings and noticed business men and women quickly making their ways to work as they were late, and I saw a couple of school boys messing around near a newspaper stand.

All had different lives they were coming from and have yet to live through. Nobody knew what the future held for them and nobody would be prepared for it either. So many wrongs and rights could be awaiting them in a few years, or months, weeks, hell, maybe even hours. It all just took a matter of time and people were scared of that; time.

Time was what you relied on during the day and time was also the thing that controlled the amount of energy you'll have for the rest of your life. It was a scary thing to know that just a four letter word would be feared by so many and would have so much power over this thing called life.

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