VIII - Stupid

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"Princess! Where are you going? Can I come with?" Kai called out from behind me.

I turned around and cocked an eyebrow as I loaded Soldier into Robin, "Why Finnels?" I asked curiously.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pecked my lips, "I don't know, I just want to be near you today. Is that okay?" He asked. But if you heard carefully like I did, you could hear the plead in his voice.

I refrained from rolling my eyes and nodded my head, "Okay, yeah. But I'm going to the base and you have to bring your paper work with you - you think you're gonna live?" I teased.

"Pshht, of course. You're my oxygen princess and I don't plan on drowning soon," he smirked.

I blushed at his comment and buried my face in his chest as his body shook from chuckling. How come everything that comes out of his mouth is enough to make me fall to my knees? Hell, he doesn't even have to speak, he could just breathe and then BOOM - I'm falling.

"You're too cute princess," he smirked.

I pulled my self out of his hold and he opened the driver's door for me to slide in, "I'll see you at my base," I smiled.

"Of course love," he smirked. I watched as he jogged over to his car and started his engine, and I started driving towards my base.

Which reminds me, I have to talk to Patrick again about something that's been nagging at my brain.


I walked into my office and threw my schoolbag onto the sofa and walked behind my desk. Soldier was out doing his business in the woods, which I really didn't mind since he was a smart dog.

Or is he a dog at all?

I shook away my thoughts and focussed on my torturing methods I would use to get our hostages to open up before heading to Patrick's room.

I pressed in the pincode and peeked my head in to see Patrick and Mary drawing with crayons on the floor. His head shot up at the sight of me and he mumbled something to Mary before coming towards me.

"Silver, is everything okay?" He asked a bit worriedly.

I nodded my head and Mary came running into my arms, "Silver! I missed you!" She exclaimed in my hold.

"I missed you too peanut, I need to talk to your brother for a second is that okay?" I asked sweetly.

She nodded her head and walked away as Patrick spoke up, "What's this about?"

I sighed and placed my hands in my hoodie pocket, "How did you know where my base was Patrick?" I asked sternly.

Our base was buried deep in the woods, there was no way in hell anybody could just find it as easily as he did. Our base was well hidden, there was a 1 out of a million chances that an outsider could find it deep in the trees. And trust me, I did the calculations.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Someone gave it to me," he stated casually.


I looked over to Mary before pulling Patrick out of the room and to my office. I had a death grip on him and I was sure that he would have a bruise on his wrist later.

I slammed my office door shut before turning back to a fearful Patrick, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN SOMEONE GAVE IT TO YOU?!" I roared.

I have a rat. There was a rat in my base and I was going to kill every one of them until someone fesses up. It could either be one, or all of them, and I didn't care for which one.

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