XXV - Audio and Recording

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I opened the back door for Soldier so he could do his business. The rest of the ride home was silent which I was glad about since it gave me time to think. I thought about how Soldier could've gotten hurt, I thought about how annoyed I was with how my bloodline wanted me dead.

It was a pissy thing to be jealous of your own blood relative and to try to destroy them when you could build with them. Emerald and I could've been partners- we were family after all but now I know that you can never even trust those who have been through hell with you.

I slumped down onto the sofa and waited for dinner to get ready. I felt exhausted from all that's happened today and I realized that I can never get a day off from this life. It's not that I'm complaining, don't get me wrong I love my job- but there is only so much work to do that I want to take a break from it. The adrenaline rush is addictive and it makes you feel more alive everyday but there is a time when you have to relax your body and sleep from all the exercise and worry. I guess I'll just have to find another day to get that.

I curled myself up into a ball on the sofa and stared blankly into space until Linda called me for dinner, "Dia, the food's ready if you would like to eat," she said calmly.

I let out a long sigh before getting up from my position and trudging to the kitchen where Kai and Soldier were already waiting. They were playing tug of war with one of Soldier's toy ropes and from the looks of it, Kai was losing.

Soldier growled while Kai struggled to stay on his feet and I giggled, "Dinner boy," I whistled to my guard dog.

Soldier immediately let go of the rope which sent Kai stumbling back and landing on his ass, "Soldier, that's not fair," Kai whined.

The hound ignored Kai's complaint and sat in front of his bowls, awaiting a signal. I slumped in next to him and waited for Kai to sit down. "You did good boy," I congratulated.

He barked while Kai playfully glared at him, "Still not fair," he grumbled.

I shook my head and leaned over the table to pinch his cheeks, "Don't worry Finnels, you'll win next time," I assured childishly.

He huffed and I gave Soldier the 'go' signal before digging into dinner myself. Kai and I made small talk and compared ideas with each other on what happened today until a thought came to mind.

"Kai, why aren't you taking care of your gang?" I asked accusingly.

I watched as his eyes went wide and his body stiffened from my question. He slowly looked up to me from his plate and gave me a sheepish smile, "Liam and Blake are-"

"But are they the leaders of the Deck of Cards?" I asked sternly.

I didn't like how I was in the middle of Kai and his gang. The only thing I ask of Kai was to never stop working while we were together. If he was busy, then he was busy. He didn't always have to drop everything and speed to my house whenever I would get a paper cut.

Kai hung his head low and shook his head, "I'll start heading home after dinner and get some work done. But tomorrow can we do something?" He asked innocently.

I cocked an accusing eyebrow and squinted my eyes at him, "When Liam tells me you're done with your paperwork, you may come over," I stated.

"What?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Did I stutter Finnels?" I asked rhetorically.

He thought about it for a few seconds before he reluctantly nodded his head. We finished dinner in silence, well as silent as it could be with Kai whining a couple of times.

I walked my boyfriend to the door and held it open for him to walk out of. He turned to me one last time before walking out, "But if you ever need anything, will you call me?" Kai asked softly.

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