XXXXVIII - Bean Bags

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"So you're telling me," Jake started as he got up from his laying position to face us, "That this WHOLE time, SpongeBob's parents weren't actually cookies - but instead old worn out sponges?" He asked baffled.

I chuckled at his stupefied expression and nodded my head. After my victory at the boxing arena, the guys took me to see a movie that was all too interesting. I've never cried so much for an avengers movie like that before. Endgame was just too damn beautiful.

The guys helped me shop for more furniture for one of the many empty rooms that I hope to turn into another hidden room. Except this time, the guys won't know where it is.

It's going to have another hologram as it's doorway and it'll be in the deepest part of my house. One of the walls is actually a window that faces the horizon where the sun rises so I could always enter the room if I don't feel like running in the morning. Since the room is in a deep part of my house, I can't hear anything that's going on from outside of the doorway. It's on the third floor and the room is quite spacious, so I had to buy a lot of bean bags just to fill the room.

The guys were sprawled across the living room, all eating their own favorite flavor of ice cream. Jake apparently didn't know anything about SpongeBob's parents so of course I had to shed some light on him. Though, I couldn't blame him, I only learned that they were sponges just last year.

"Are we seriously talking about SpongeBob right now?" Kai deadpanned.

"Yes!" We all said in unison.

He put his hands up in a surrender and Liam tried to reach over and take a scoop of my vanilla fudge swirl ice cream but I slapped his hand away before he could touch it, "Ow! Vicious woman," Liam mumbled as he rubbed his hand.

"Stop taking my sweets and maybe I won't have to be so vicious," I retorted.

"I just wanted ice cream!" He whined.

"You already finished yours! Stop aiming for mine!" I said as I hit his shoulder playfully.

He hit mine in return.

I sent him a light punch.

He did the same for me.

That earned him a harder punch from me.

He shoved me so I pushed towards Kai.

I shoved him so he was leaning towards Blake.

He pushed me until my head hit Kai's chest.

I set down my ice cream and tackled Liam onto the floor.

"AH! HELP! STOP HER!" Liam yelled as I put him in a headlock.

"ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE MY SWEETS AGAIN?" I grunted as Liam tried getting away.

"NO! PLEASE DIAMONDS IT HURTS!" He yelled in pain.

"PROMISE!" I ordered as I tightened my hold.

"AH FUCK I PROMISE HOLY SHIT!" He screamed from my grip.

I released him from my hold and sank back down into the sofa calmly. Liam rolled around on the floor dramatically as he held onto his shoulder, "She has injured me!" He exclaimed dramatically.

"You offended me," I said coolly.

He shot up from his position and looked at me with shock, "I only tried going for your food!" He said defensively.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Exactly, you offended me," I said nonchalantly.

The other guys chuckled at our small quarrel but I honestly didn't know what was so funny, I don't fuck around when it comes to food.

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