XXXXII - Smile

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My eyes fluttered open as a headache started taking its affect on me. I groaned a bit from the pain and tried reaching for my head, but my hands were tied down from behind my back, tight. It seemed like Emerald was just taking extra precaution since I could possibly get out of these knots. So I just sat there patiently and instead examined the room I had been placed in.

The room was dimly lit and I'm sure the only clear thing you could see in here was me. A lightbulb flickered above me and I recognized the chair I was sitting on to be wooden. I was still in my outfit from the fair and I pouted a little from the sight of my Donald Duck not looking so Donald anymore. My clothes were ruffled and dirty while my hair was still in it's two pig tails, probably loose and messy now.

"They better hurry the fuck up," I cursed into the air.

Just by saying those words, my throat felt insanely dry and I coughed up a witch's weave from my dehydration. How long has it been since I've had water? Wait, no, how long has it been since I was knocked out?

And as if my prayers were finally answered, the door opened and caused a metal shriek to echo off the walls. From the doorway was the all too familiar silhouette with a bright light shining from behind him. If I weren't in the position I was in right now, I'd honestly think he were an angel.

But I know too damn well that my cousin is anything but angelic.

"You sound sick DD, you okay?" He mocked sickly sweet.

I mentally rolled my eyes at him but my face showed something different. I gulped visibly and pursed my lips together as I stared at my cousin with disbelief- or boredom I couldn't tell.

"E-Emerald," I said shakily.

He shook his head and laughed devilishly as he closed the door behind him and started stalking towards me. His green eyes glowed creepily through the dark room and it only reminded me of what he really was; a snake, a rat, a betrayer, all things that made me want to leap out of my chair and snap his neck right now.

I clenched my fists behind me as he bent down so his face was only inches from mine. He searched my eyes with amusement as I pretended to shake from fear. Honestly, I think I could win an Oscar one day.

"Do you know why you're here, Silver?" He spat.

I flinched back from his tone and my breath hitched in my throat, "What are you-"

"Don't fucking lie to me Diamonds!" Emerald bellowed.

I jumped back from his tone and shook my head, "How did you know?" I breathed out.

God, if those dumbasses don't get here fast enough...

Emerald chuckled humorlessly and slapped me across the cheek. My head dramatically jerked to the side as my mouth flew open and my jaw was on the floor. For some reason, I felt this slap have more emotion behind it, but what's causing him to feel so much hatred for me?

"Emerald please," I begged pathetically.

He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest, "You really don't know, do you?" He asked unconvinced.

Confusion engulfed me in a tight ball and I looked at my cousin as if he were crazy. What could possibly be going on in this psychopath's head?

I shook my head and right when he was about to answer, gunshots sounded off in the distance and Emerald jumped back from the sudden volume. He turned towards the door with panic before turning back to me with suspicion. I put on a bewildered and dumbfounded look and he rushed out of the room at the speed of light.

Silent But Sinister//COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now