XXIX - Hypothermia

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"My sweet little Sapphire, what do you fear most?"

I continued to draw on my large piece of paper with my red and blue crayons. I kicked my feet in the air as my stomach was facing the ground, and I hadn't understood what daddy was doing to mommy at the time, I thought it was just love.

Daddy twirled one of my pig tails in his large finger as I answered his question, "The dark," I answered innocently.

He chuckled lowly as he dragged his finger down my cheek, "Sapphire, there are far worst things than the dark," he said it as if it were a promise, like he was so sure of something I didn't know.

I looked up to his dark eyes and tilted my head to the side, "Like what daddy?" I asked unsurely.

He kissed my forehead and I continued to draw as he spoke,"Like the things hiding in it."

Soft whimpers caused my eyes to shoot open and I stayed stiff in my laying position. The moonlight shone from behind Soldier's sitting figure on my bed and he kept nudging his nose on my face while whimpers continued escaping his body.

"What's wrong boy?" I asked groggily.

The hound let out a loud 'humph' as he plopped down next to me. His head was on the crook of my neck as I rubbed his head tiredly. I heard Soldier lick his lips a couple of times as we laid there comforting each other.

I must've had another nightmare, I've been getting those these past few nights ever since my art fest with Williams. I'm surprised I even make it through the day with how much sleep deprivation I've been having. It's exhausting, but my lack of sleep hasn't stopped me from continuing with my work and schooling. I still take my notes and finish my tests like I were never tired, and I still go to the base and finish paperwork like I have all the energy in the world. Even though I feel like shit the whole day.

I turned so I was facing the ceiling now and Soldier let out a low whimper from my movement. All that I came face to face with was darkness. All that surrounded me was the dark except for the light of the moon through my window- but other than that; dark.

It's funny with how scared I used to be of the dark when I was a child, but now all I could do was thank it for being there. Because of the dark, I could think and look out into space without someone worrying about me since they can't see me. The dark is blank; which helps me think and prevents me from shifting my gazes from one object to the other. It's consumed my tears and my mental complaints and dissolved the two into thin air, the dark isn't what I'm scared of now, it's what I find joy in.

Though, whenever I think too much, it could give me a headache. My head starts pounding and then it's hard for me to gain back my train of thought and then I'm completely lost; and if you've never noticed, I like to be cautious and aware of situations taking place around me.

I lifted my head up a bit to look at the digital clock on my nightstand only to find out it was three o'clock in the morning. I groaned so loudly that I thought it would conjure up a storm and started searching for my everyday phone on my other nightstand.

Once I had gotten a hold of it I dialed Kai's number and he answered on the sixth ring.


Sweet baby Jesus his sleepy voice...

I cleared my throat and smiled softly from hearing his voice, "Hi," I said above a whisper.

I heard some shuffling around and a loud yawn escape Kai's lips before he spoke again, "Are you okay baby? What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

I was flabbergasted with Kai's change of tone and felt my cheeks getting warmer with how that was the first thing he asked me once he picked up the phone. I guess it was just a natural instinct to check up on my behaviour ever since I found out Emerald was a fucking rat- who I failed to mention was still searching for the Royal Aces. I'm surprised with how constant they've been, I honestly thought they'd give up earlier with how many complaints he's been letting out ever since they failed the fifth time. And trust me, I know how many times they've been doing this for. I mean, I still have that sticker on his neck, no?

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