XXIII - Waterfall

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I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel hung around my waist while my hands ran through my hair.

When I had looked up from the floor I was surprised to see Diamonds sitting by the large window and just staring out at the scene before her, as if all that's in her mind now is not anger or resentment but instead replaced with pure bliss and ease. She examined the forest below, but her gaze was mostly toward the moon that casted a shadow in her large room. She looked so beautiful when her features were relaxed and her breathing was steady, almost as if she didn't have a care in the world.

I slipped on some grey sweatpants and decided to sit next to her on the floor, "Penny for your thoughts?"

She let out a sigh; but it wasn't a sigh of relief or content, it seemed like a disappointed sigh. As if her mind was running wild and she couldn't make up a decision between two very hard things. It worried me to see her in this state, especially with everything going on.

She shook her head and whispered quietly into the air, "My thoughts are worth more than pennies Finnels."

I nodded my head and understood that Diamonds was worth more than everybody proclaimed her to be. Even when I first saw her walking down the hallway and taking to Sammy on her first day, I just thought of her as another school girl. But that day during lunch, I had this unexplainable pull to her and I grew curious of the girl under the hoodie. It seemed like she was holding a story along with her gorgeous features and it was a story I was glad to be apart of.

Suddenly feeling the comfortable yet uncomfortable silence grow I decided to use the method that Diamonds always seems to use in situations like these, "I like to paint," I blurted out.

I watched her from the corner of my eye chuckle a bit and nudge my shoulder, "I'm supposed to start that," she joked.

I shrugged my shoulders and let out a small hum, "Wanted to try it, now it isn't so silent anymore, is it princess?" I asked smugly.

I saw her lips curve up into a smile and nod her head, "I guess it isn't Finnels," she chuckled.

I smirked but kept my gaze out the window, "So since I like to paint, what do you like to do on your free time?" I asked curiously.

I honestly didn't know if my girlfriend had a hobby other than work and school. She's so caught up with making other people happy that she forgets to make herself happy. I wonder if she even calls anything 'fun' anymore.

It was quiet for awhile and I knew my princess was thinking hard about my question. It was when she spoke her answer that didn't, yet did, make sense about what she does, "I like to catch people by surprise," she smiled proudly.

I turned to her and cocked an eyebrow, "What do you mean princess?" I asked softly.

She shifted her gaze from the window to me and gave me a soft smile, "I like it when people tend to underestimate my inner and outer strengths because I can prove to them that there's more behind a pretty face and money. It's fun to show people how I got in my position in the first place without really even trying," she explained matter of factly.

I gave her an amused look and nodded my head for her to talk further into it, "Like when I first walked into class that one morning and surprised our teacher with a coffee I had bought for her. Or when Joe was surprised of how authortiatative I was when I first started handing out orders, or better yet, when I had turned around the purpose of Illium and helped us grow withing a week."

"And when I had killed my father after faking my death," she scoffed, "And how I always create new technology and even caught all of you guys by surprise when I told you about the secret room and the hologram," she laughed at the memory.

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