XXXXXV - Spade

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"Hey, I know you."

Panic rose in my chest as I stared at Jacque's figure. My fingers twitched with nervousness but I quickly covered it up by running my hands through Soldier's fur and feigning a look of confusion at him.

His eyes lit up in recognition and an amused smile etched across his face, "You're Diamonds Kollster," he said as he snapped his finger in finality.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and nodded my head in confirmation. He grabbed my hand in his and kissed the back of it softly, "Well, my name is Jacque Boduer miss Kollster, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he said seductively.

I snatched my hand back from his grasp and he looked at me surprised. It seemed as if he had never had a girl resist to his 'charm' before and that sickened me. How could his ego be this big when his brain is only so small?

Ogus hid me behind his back and glared at Jacque, and he glared back. They were looking at each other with such intensity that I thought they were going to melt into puddles and soak my shoes, but fortunately, that didn't happen.

"Leave this place," Ogus growled lowly.

Jacque scoffed, "I just want to talk to the pretty little lady," he said smirking at me.

Ogus's body tensed up even more than it had before and he clenched his fists together tightly, "You touch her in a disgusting way and you expect to have a normal conversation with her?" Ogus spat.

I placed my small hand over Ogus's large one and securely enclosed it, causing his body to relax a bit from my touch. I slid my hand in his and he squeezed it tightly, afraid that Jacque might pull me out of here in any second.

"What's it to you, Ace?" Jacque challenged.

"She doesn't deserve to be touched by your grimy hands Spade," Ogus said between gritted teeth.

I squeezed Ogus's hand as I saw onlookers watching the scene before them. The desire to pull my gun out and shoot their heads off was strong, but I managed to keep my cool from the attention.

"What do you say? You want to leave Belle?" Jacque smirked, his French accent flowing out of his mouth so smoothly. (Translation: Beauty)

Ogus's hands clenched together again and scowled, "She won't be going anywhere with you," he snarled.

Woohoo! Go Ogus!

Calm the fuck down it's not that serious

Jacque chuckled and turned to me briefly, "We'll meet again, Belle," he stated before he walked away.

Ogus quickly turned to me once he saw that Jacque had walked through the doors and cupped my face in his hands, "Are you okay rebenok?" He asked worriedly.

I smiled up at him and nodded my head in content before he led me into the dining area. Ogus ordered food for Soldier and I as I brought my knees up to my chest. I thought about how promising Jacque sounded when he said we would meet again, as if he already had something planned out which worried me a bit. Jacque could possibly tell Uncle Amethyst of who he ran into at a Russian restaurant and who I was with. He could be plotting something right now, and I wouldn't have a single clue.

"What keeps your mind busy rebenok," Ogus asked from across the table.

I sighed, "Uncle Amethyst had given instructions to his members to be on the lookout for Diamonds Kollster. But he doesn't know that I know that because I still have the sticker placed on Jacque's neck for live audio recording. But Jacque saw me here, and he might tell Uncle Amethyst of my current whereabouts and follow me to my house without my knowledge. I'm a bit worried that they could break in and do some dumb shit," I explained.

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