XXXXIV - I Could Never Hate You

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His lips started to tremble as the one word escaped my mouth so softly. Tears streamed down his face and he looked at me with so much agony, anger, and sorrow. Uncle Amethyst stood behind him with a competitive smirk on his face but I didn't focus on that, I focussed on the gun that George already had in his hands, pointing at me as it shook ferociously.

"You killed him!" George shouted shakily. His breathing quickened with bewilderment as he looked between Emerald's dead body and the blood on my jacket.

"He was going to kill me," I said as I slowly put my hands up in a surrendering position.

He shook his head in disregard and that only made sadness creep into my heart at his next words, "He should've done it quicker," he spat.

I flinched back from his words and I felt a tear slip out from my left eye. I've never felt so much betrayal in my life, and during this past week, I've felt a lot of it. But knowing that George was the one to do it, the one to betray me greater than I could ever imagine, it made the beating of my heart that I thought I lost while I felt so hollow, stop.

A large lump formed in my throat and I constantly kept swallowing it down. It hurt so much to repeat the action because it kept growing every single time I swallowed it down. But what hurt even more was the fact that George wished for me to be dead, when all our lives we've been making sure we survived.

I shook my head and pursed my lips together. I felt the tears moisturize them as they came in contact and I breathed in shakily, "You don't mean that," I said slowly.

He chuckled humorlessly through his tears and shook his head as well, "You don't realize how much meaning I put into those words," he confessed heartlessly.

"Curious you don't-"

"YES I FUCKING DO DIAMONDS!" He roared loudly. He was so loud that I thought he was yelling in my ear, and I jumped back from his volume.

My hands trembled at the side of my head and I took shaky breaths in and out as George repositioned his grip on the gun. His index finger was pressed on the trigger already as he whimpered his next words, "I-I loved him Diamonds," he said softly.

I gasped at his words and I snapped my head back to a bleeding Emerald with shock. George loved Emerald? I've never even introduced them to each other, they've never met before, so how could George already love someone he didn't know?

A then it clicked. I slowly turned to Uncle Amethyst for confirmation. He smiled devilishly at my recognition and I gulped visibly at the affirming nod he gave me.

Emerald was George's boyfriend?

George was Emerald's boyfriend?


Emerald was gay?

Confusion and surprise engulfed my body like cold water being dumped on me from head to toe. The feeling of guilt swarmed my heart and locked it in a cage full of remorse as George's cries only made me sink deeper down into disgrace. I killed George's boyfriend, right in front of him.

At that moment I felt no greater than Uncle Amethyst and more tears brimmed my vision at the feeling of heartbreak. The members behind George only stared at Emerald's bleeding body while Soldier's low whimpers were heard from behind me.

Though, I convinced myself that killing Emerald was none of my fault. The fact that they were coming after me was one of the reasons why I had to take him down before he could ever take me down. I didn't know Emerald was George's boyfriend and I couldn't beat myself up because of my lack of knowledge. George never mentioned the name of his boyfriend, and I'm sure it was because he was after me as well.

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