XV - Coming Out

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"I'm gay."

It felt like everything was going in slow motion as a cold feeling swarmed my stomach and my arms suddenly felt heavy from reaching over to Soldier.

But that's just it, Soldier.

"And I love my guard dog," I blurted out.

All heads turned to me and George gave me a look of confusion, "What?"

I looked around at the men blankly before speaking, "Sorry, I thought we were all just saying things that made us happy," I said casually.

I looked around once more to see the men still eyeing me with blank expressions, "Were we not?" I asked confused.

George flashed a genuine smile from my approval, "Thank you Diamonds, it really means a lot," he sighed in relief.

"I don't know why you're seeking for our approval man. You're human, you love, it's a basic human need. I don't know why you were so worried, but we don't mind you being gay," Liam said happily.

All the rest of the men nodded their heads in agreement and the sound of a chair screeching against the tile broke the comforting silence. I looked up to see Kai raising his glass with a heart warming smile, "To George!" He cheered.

The rest of us stood up with our glasses in the air as well and clinked our glasses together, "To George!" We yelled excitedly.

I kissed George's temple and whispered in his ear, "You're my brother despite what team you're playing for Curious George."

I felt him sigh in content before kissing my cheek, "I can always count on you to make me feel better Almonds," he whispered back.

Joy overwhelmed me and I thought about all of the great things George and I have been through together. We've watched each other grow into the strong people we are today and we've been there for each other when one of us fall. George stuck by my side when I pushed all of my friend's away in middle school. He was the first and only person I told about what Jewels would do to me and he loved me ten times harder because of it. He treated my wounds when Jewels told my mom not to, and he would sneak into my house just to hold me when I would feel hopeless. Him and Williams are the men that took care of me when no one else would; and I can't possibly thank them even more for it.

"George, have you found a lucky guy yet?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head, "Kind of- we're just talking right now," he said nervously.

I slapped his shoulder playfully and gasped, "Tell me! Curious tell me!" I demanded eagerly.

He laughed at my neediness and patted my hand, "When the time comes, you'll be the first person I call Almonds," he said reassuringly.

I pouted at him and stuck my pinky finger out, "Promise?"

He nodded and wrapped his pinky finger around mine, "Promise."


After all of the guys left except for my commands, I tucked George into bed and kissed his forehead as he fell asleep.

I switched his lights off and started walking out before a hoarse voice stopped me, "Almonds?"

I turned around and softly smiled at George's tired figure, "Yes Curious?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"You know I love you, right?" He asked unsurely.

"Where is this coming from George?" I asked cautiously as I approached him.

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