XVII - Rat

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"Why are we having dinner with him?" Blake whisper yelled from across the lunch table.

I smiled innocently at him and continued to eat my pasta casually while Soldier ate next to me. Liam, Blake, and Kai aren't really happy with my decision but I saw this as my chance for Emerald to get to know the guys. They could grow to respect each other and it would hopefully change the triple threat's perspective of Emerald. He's family, he may not be included in the gang life but he was included in my childhood, and that's all that really matters at the moment.

Speaking of the devil, Emerald carried his tray cheerfully and slumped down on the seat on the other side of me. He smiled at all of us as he spoke, "So what time is dinner tonight?"

I took out my notes and wrote down the time for dinner and he nodded his head in response. I continued to eat my food as I felt Kai's hand wrap itself around my thigh and I froze from the sudden contact. Tingles sparked through my body as he squeezed playfully and I sent him a glare.


For some unknown reason, Kai had the nerve to SMIRK at the affect he had on me and I only rolled my eyes in response. I didn't care for the 'punishment' I would get later but he cannot just do that in public and find enjoyment in seeing me freeze up like that. It's not annoying or embarrassing but instead makes me lose my train of thought and I can't think straight.

I felt his hot breath fan my cheek as he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Five spankings," he growled.

I turned back to him to feel his nose brush up against mine. Though, I didn't care. All I did was glare into his ocean eyes and watch them slowly turn into a shade darker as I pursed my lips together and rolled my eyes one last time.

I heard his chair screech against the floor but I didn't pay any attention to it and instead focussed on Blake and Liam's conversation. I unexpectedly felt myself being pulled from my chair from my waist and one minute I'm staring at my food, and the next I'm staring at Kai's ass.

I squirmed in his hold and Soldier walked behind us and looked up at me happily. I mentally groaned at how my guard dog wasn't really acting like a guard dog right now. I tried reaching out for Soldier but that only made Kai's hold on me tighten as we walked through the empty corridor.

"Kai Finnels put me down this instant!" I grunted as I tried loosening his grip on me.

I felt his hand collide with my ass and I gasped from the sting, "You brought this upon yourself princess, I'm only doing what you asked for."

I heard him turn a handle and open a door before setting me down and turning back to Soldier, "Stay right there boy," he demanded softly.

And to his command, Soldier sat patiently on the other side of the door as Kai locked it and turned to me with a hard glare, "You never learn do you princess?" he asked calmly.

I wasn't intimidated by his figure or his voice nor his strength, I stood my ground and crossed my arms over my chest, "Bite me," I hissed.

He chuckled sinisterly before pulling me over to a desk and bending me over. I tried wiggling out of his hold but he only tightened his grip on me even more, "Stop moving," he ordered lowly.

"You know I would love to but the only way for me to do that is if you let go of me Finnels!" I said getting louder with each word.

I felt his hand smack my bottom once again and I let out a yelp from the shock. Instead of squirming around in his hold any longer I decided to just accept my fate and let him punish me in this empty classroom.

Silent But Sinister//COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now