V - Patrick Sanders

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I slipped on my grey hoodie and silver mask before I walked into the base. Joe and Richard had mentioned that they would be in the shed prying Patrick open so just in case, I'm going to 'check up' on them.

I smiled as I walked through the base and thought about Emerald being back into my life again. I missed our fun activities together and being able to smile like we couldn't give a single care in the world. All of it was something I held in my heart dearly, and it soon only became a memory.

"Oh Patrick!" I sang as Soldier and I strutted into the room.

"S-Silver," he stuttered tiredly.

I looked over to Joe and Richard and they gave me a nod off acknowledgement. I smirked behind my mask and shut the door behind me. "Patrick Sanders, how do you plead?" I asked playfully.

I heard him shaking with fear as I glided the large metal clamp behind his neck. I watched him struggle with the wires we had tied on him and I chuckled humorlessly, "Oh Patrick, you're not going to get out of here any time soon," I said devilishly.

He glared at me with his dark blue eyes but I could see the fear in them clearly. His lips were pursed together but I could see them trembling from holding back, and his muscles tensing up as I pushed the head of the clamp onto his chest.

"What were you doing snooping?" I asked sickly sweet as I circled him again, the large object trailing his body as I did so.

He scoffed, "You think I'm going to tell you when I didn't even tell these men here? What makes you think that?" He shook his head.

I pulled his hair back and he let out a small yelp as I did so. I pulled the long handle of the clamp against his neck which caused his airway to be blocked for awhile, "Because I'm not going to be so merciful Patrick," I hissed in his ear.

I saw shivers run down his spine and I smirked at that. Here this man was trying to seem tough and head strong but no, he was actually weak and had just created this tough facade. I knew it from the moment I stepped into the room, it was basically screaming in my head.

I continued to apply pressure to his neck as he struggled to say some words. I smirked at how he was willing to cooperate only when he thought he was going to die. I mean, he is going to die but not now.

I pulled the clamp away which was followed by a series of coughs from Patrick. I rounded him once again and lifted his chin up to look at me, "What was that Patrick?" I teased.

He stared up at me with watery eyes and that only made me confused. Did he know now that I wasn't going to be easy on him if he weren't going to talk? Is he afraid that he's going to die? It was logical he was scared- yes, but why is he now breaking down his facade to show me what hides behind those dark eyes?

"What is it Patrick? Why are you crying?" I asked confusedly.

He let out a small sob and shook his head, "They're going to kill her if I tell you," he whispered.

I looked back to Richard and Joe who was looking at Patrick with the same exrpession: panic.

How would they know that he would tell me? Who did they have that would have such an affect on him?

"Who Patrick?" I asked sternly.

He sobbed a little more and that only made me frustrated, "WHO?" I boomed.

He stared down at the floor shamefully for a couple of seconds until he suddenly jolted back and hissed. I heard a small buzz going off over and over again and if you weren't listening like me, you would've never been able to catch it.

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