XXXXIII - Killed Your Mother

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The sound of men running across the room immediately caused me to put my guard up and sneak closer to the doorway. I held my gun tightly in both of my hands as I took side steps toward the fight while Soldier and the other men circled me protectively; acting as human shields.

"What do you see?" I asked Jake, who was at the front.

There were a few moments of silence from Jake before he nodded his head, "Black Spades called for backup, which means more of our members will be coming in soon," he informed me.

"Well tell them to hurry the fuck up. It's like they're travelling the world first," I spat sarcastically behind my mask.

The men chuckled and once I saw a bullet fly our way, I took action. I didn't care if more of our recruits were coming in, I cared about surviving through this fucking bloodshed massacre. I wasn't going to rely on other people to keep my alive when I'm perfectly capable of living through this myself. I turned around to the men and nodded my head in confirmation, and they mirrored my gesture.

With that approval, I stepped out of the hallway and started shooting at the Spades faster than I thought I could ever manage. Bodies started dropping along with the loud bang of the gun throughout the warehouse. Bullets flew from behind me and I didn't need to turn around to know that the boys were also shooting with me.

"Soldier! Corner!" I ordered to the hound.

He didn't need to be told twice and he dashed to the corner of the warehouse to avoid any injuries. More recruits along with Spades entered the massacre and blood spilled everywhere you turned. It was like a war being held in such a small place.

When I had tried shooting a Spade running towards me, the only sound that escaped my gun were weak clicks of failure. I groaned, "You've got to be kidding me."

I arranged my gun in my hand and flung it towards the Spade, hitting him in between his eyebrows. He tumbled down from the impact, but that didn't stop the other group of Spades from running towards me. I turned to my boys to see them already preoccupied from other assholes, so I chose the best case in this scenario.

I charged towards the first member but dropped before his fist could collide with my jaw and kicked his feet from under him, causing him to fall on his side. I snatched the pocket knife from his waist band and sliced the stomach of an oncoming spade. When he hunched over, I quickly grabbed his gun and shot the rest of the members that dared to come after me, leaving a circle of dead bodies to surround me in the middle.

"No mercy?" Kai smirked when he approached me.

"You can't be serious if you thought otherwise," I joked to him.

He chuckled and handed me another handgun and I nodded in thanks. He went off to help Blake as a loud boom was heard from outside, causing the structure to shake a bit. Dust and crumbs of cement fell from the ceiling and I froze in my spot as the earth balanced itself once again.

Spades, Illiums, Royals, and Decks all paused their fighting to identify the loud bang that was heard from outside. Soldier scurried over to me and stood guard by my side as the other boys followed after him.

"What the fuck was that?" Austin breathed out.

I shook my head as the front doors started to open, "I don't know," I said in the same tone.

Just then, mountains of Black Spades started swarming the large building like water filling a bowl. The sound of the guns cocking and heavy footsteps made my heart race a bit and I only wondered how in the fuck my cousin had this many recruits for such an unknown organization.

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