XXXXVI - Warmth

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It was warm.

The feeling of Soldier's cloud like fur underneath my head made me sink my face deeper into it but the bright light of the sun caused a light pink to peek through my eyelids.

My shoulder hurt a bit which made my eyebrows scrunch a bit but it wasn't as bad as that bullet I took.



Trembling hands.


I quickly sat up from my position on the hard floor and searched the area quickly for George but instead was met with the large mass of trees; or rather, the top of them.

I looked to my side to see the sunrise filling the sky with it's fire and illuminating a captivating glow onto the earth. All negative thoughts evaporated from my mind and was instantly cleared as I saw the sun dancing off the surface of the lake. Birds flew from above and I saw a coupe of ravens breaking through the peak of trees and leaving a trail of small leaves behind them. Bushes shook a bit from the squirrels and other forest animals while I saw some deer and skunks stop by the water to get a sip or two. The scenery was relaxing and exactly what I needed from fighting so much - from hurting so fucking much.

"Diamonds?" I heard a familiar voice whisper from behind me.

I turned around with a subconscious smile playing on my lips as I saw the boys staring at me with awe. I felt myself light up from the sight of them and I giggled innocently, "No, it's Shalissa," I joked. (If you don't know the vine, you're a goner)

I turned back towards the horizon to see the sun still slowly rising and I ran my hands through Soldier's fur softly as my mood lightened. Remember when I said I felt so much better when I felt hollow and empty? Well this feeling right here, I prefer it even more.

The men walked closer from behind me and they sat down on the edge of the waterfall with me. The water glowed like dusts of gold and I felt my body warm up from the atmosphere that surrounded me. For someone who found comfort in the dark so much, the light truly revealed the brighter things within you.

You could hide in the dark and cry your worries away but you would always have to remember that the light will always be waiting for you when you're ready to face your problems. It will be there to illuminate the right path and it'll be there to represent your growth and knowledge. The brightness of your sun will always depend on the amount of confidence you have in your life. And if your life seems hopeless and all you can do is sit in the loneliness and comfort of the dark, then find a star, and watch it grow into a million - and then, one sun.

I sighed deeply as I hugged my knees to my chin and smiled at the loving people around me. Though, I could still feel something in the air just screaming to release itself so I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"I killed George."

All heads snapped to me at my words while Soldier whimpered lowly in remembrance. Saying those words didn't affect the smile on my face but instead grew since I was forgiven. We both forgave each other for our mistakes and that was all I really wanted if it were going to be some sort of goodbye to my best friend.

It still hurt to know that he was against me, but it hurt even more to know that he was the one who had to pull the trigger. But from the pleads he was giving me and the desperate look in his eye, I knew he didn't want to go against me at all. He wanted to prove his strength but he proved it in the wrong way. George wasn't accustomed to this gang life and all he did was listen to his orders reluctantly, but listening to orders was what got him killed. But of course he didn't know that, I never explained any of my gang shit to George because I believed that his knowledge of my gang would get him kidnapped or worse.

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