III - Dove

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"Soldier baby!"

The big hound charged towards me and jumped on my body, causing me to fall on my back. He licked my face eagerly while I tried pushing him away.

"Soldier! I'm sorry baby but you couldn't come sky diving with us," I cooed once I sat up.

He whined and I gave him a kiss on his forehead, causing him to pant and make it look like he was smiling. I smiled at him and I trudged to my office to get some work finished. After dinner, the guys went home so they could sort through the paperwork they missed since they were spending the day with me. I sent Joe and Richard home and told them to rest so I could work, but of course I didn't tell them about me working.

I've been so consumed with my education and my businesses that I forgot it was even my birthday. I've been so caught up with pleasing others that I hardly even find any time for myself. But even though I know I'm a workaholic, it doesn't mean I'm going to stop.

I sank down in my large leather chair while Soldier laid down under the desk in front of me. I started making calls and sending emails until my everyday cell started to ring.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Princess, can I come over please?" Kai whined on the other line.

I dropped my pen and stiffled back a laugh, "And why would you want to do that prince charming?" I asked teasingly.

I heard a loud groan on the other line, "I miss you and I'm tired," he complained.

"Then go to sleep Finnels," I chuckled.

"Noooo! I want to sleep in your bed," he whined.

It was cute how Kai was so clingy to me, but he knows when to stop. Now, whenever I have to travel for business, he always comes with me. But I'm alright with it since he always brings work with him.

"Alright, come ove-"

Before I could finish my sentence the line had already been cut and I stared at my phone confusedly. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to work on my papers until I felt tired.

Suddenly, a loud slam made me jolt up from my position and I placed my hand under my desk, holding my gun as a reflex. I arched an eyebrow, waiting for the intruder while Soldier stood guard by my side growling.

I waited for a couple of more seconds before my office door opened and I aimed my gun at the intruder. He immediately ducked and fell to the floor.

"Princess holy shit!" He cursed.

I sighed and placed my gun back into it's hiding spot. Soldier laid back down once he saw Kai and I continued to do my paperwork.

"You gotta warn me Finnels," I breathed out.

He chuckled and tried placing a kiss on my lips, but I pulled away just to tease him. He tried again, and again, and again, until he finally had enough.

"Princess give me a kiss!" He whined.

I chuckled, "I'm working Finnels."

Suddenly, I felt his large hand enclose itself around my neck and pull me back into the head of the chair. His lips crashed down to mine forcefully and I moved my mouth with his. He shoved his tongue down my throat without a warning and I muffled a giggle against his hold.

After a few more seconds, he finally let go and placed one last small peck on to my lips before kissing under my ear, "I like your kisses princess," he whispered seductively.

I bit my lip and nodded my head, "I like yours too Kai," I said in the same tone.

He let go of my neck and I regained my composure and started on my work again. Kai sank down into the bean bag and made himself comfortable, "Come lay with me Diamonds," he commanded.

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