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I barged into the base with full rage but continuously reminded myself that I needed to be in check. I couldn't have everybody worrying about me when my dog is not by my side. We needed to get Soldier first, and then nobody would have to worry about me at all.

Having my guard dog away from me was a strange feeling. Ever since I got him, he's always been next to me no matter what. I even broke the 'no animals allowed' rule in most places including my own businesses. Soldier was stitched to my side like my cherry chapstick. Soldier would have to die to ever be away from me, and the fact that he is now, hurts.

"Is everybody ready?" I asked harshly as I stood on the balcony, overlooking the mass of gang members.

"Yes Silver!" They all answered in unison, not one voice too early or too late.

"Good. My fucking dog's life is on the line here, kill any Spade who gets in your way," I instructed dangerously.

They all filed out to the many SUV's and pick-up trucks outside while I stormed towards the black Fenyr Supersport with Kai and slid into the driver's side while he got into the passengers. I roared the car to life and the sound of the engine reminded me of Soldier's low growl whenever he disliked someone or something. The reminiscing only gave me more inspiration to get my boy back and so I led the many vehicles out of the forest, and raced through the highway.

"Princess, I know you're eager, but you might end up making us crash," Kai said a bit uneasily.

"Kai, my guard dog is gone. I apologize if my racing scares you but you've seen me drive like this before," I said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, that's why I'm scared shitless," he mumbled, but I heard him clearly through the ear piece.

I ignored his comment and proceeded to speed up a bit. I dodged cars effortlessly and kept a stone cold face on as my knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. My jaw clenched at the thought of Uncle Amethyst doing any harm to Soldier, and that only enraged me more.

But I felt the rage dissolve itself slowly when I felt a warm hand enclose around my thigh. I steadied my breathing and my knuckles returned to their normal color but it didn't effect my speed.

"We're gonna get him back Silver," Kai whispered softly.

His reminder put some ease into my body but I still felt the hatred for Uncle Amethyst growing by the second. But right now I wasn't focussed on that, I was focussed on the sun setting behind the faded cotton of clouds in the distance. The sun leaving our sight and saying it's temporary farewell by letting it's ecstatic orange shine one last time before the dark blue and black of the night takes over. Clouds were disappearing with the darkness that threatened to engulf our nights and small stars twinkled lightly.

The sight reminded me of the waterfall and it's golden dust like water whenever the sun hit it gracefully. The start of a new day or the ending of a great one was something I always shared with Soldier, and it was the only time in our lives when we would get away from the gang and danger. It was our thing, and if I ever lost Soldier, I think I would never want to see those beautiful sights ever again.

I sighed, "I need my boy back," I whispered shakily.

"We're going to get him back pumpkin," Williams growled, but in a promising tone.

"And I'm going to set Amethyst on fire if I have to," Jake hissed.

"Right after I get his head," I inputted.

Soon, the structure of the Black Spade's base came into view and I sped up even faster. I was dying to get my big furry friend back, even if it's the last thing I do.

Silent But Sinister//COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now