Chapter 3

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"Give me that remote control!" Theresa  commanded. Thelma sighed in reply.

"Please, can you allow me to just watch this one. Please!" Thelma pleaded.

They were in a hotel room. Actually, they lived far away from their home in Pennsylvania so they decided to stay in a hotel. They came to New York City, the city that never sleep. They were in Belvedere Hotel. The room was wide enough for both of them and it was classy. Theresa had made sure it was of her taste.

"What are you watching?"

"Hmm... Okay! I will tell you. I am watching... Barbie!" Thelma faltered.

"Barbie? At this age? In fact, go... go away. I am so disappointed. Leave that television alone," Theresa taunted.

"Oh, come on! Don't you have any texting or chatting to do?" Thelma suggested, flailing her arms. "You can even take selfies. You look extraordinary pretty but please let me complete this".

Theresa looked at her sister in disgust. "I thought you have watched all the Barbie episode?"

"I have! I'm watching it to refresh my memory. It is so interesting. I love the romance and adventure in it" she giggled. "Come and join me".

"Barbie? I am not a fan of Barbie. Geez!" Theresa picked up a brush and untangled her wavy brown hair with it.

"But Barbie is so fashionable. You will love her".

"That goody two shoes? No way! I don't even like you that much" she teased and chuckled "Weekends can be boring, aren't I right?"

Suddenly, Theresa snapped her head sharply at Thelma. Thelma only watched Barbie whenever she was thinking of her crush. A sly smile crept on Theresa's Gladys lip and she asked, "Are you still thinking of that lost guy, Xander? My sister's lover!"

Thelma looked at Theresa and asked herself if she should tell her that their boss was the Xander. She shook her head and decided to keep it as a secret. There's would be angry if she found out. Alexander was their enemy. She shouldn't have any feelings for him.

"So... Hmm.. You still remember him?" Thelma asked and rubbed her palms together.

"Yeah! I never got to see him. You said he left the school!"

"He did! I can't believe you still remembered"

Theresa laughed and added, "How will I forget him? Don't you remember how I found out? It is unforgettable. At first, dad said we should share a  room and that night you had a nightmare and you were screaming Xander all through. We had to wake you up. That's when you personally told me about him. But it is a bummer I couldn't get to meet my sister's lover" A sigh escaped her lip and she pouted. "Do you still wish to see him again?"

"Me?!" Thelma stammered. "I mean, if Fate says we should!"

"I really don't know what love is but I don't want to feel it if it makes you extraordinary stupid!" Theresa waved her hand dismissively and went to the bathroom.

BRrrrriiiing! The doorbell rang. The twin were at their mini dining room, eating lunch.

"Who is going to answer the door?" Thelma asked. She could guess Theresa would say her name.

"Hmm... Let's play rock, paper, scissors. Dummy! You, of course! Go get it. Pfft!" Theresa yelled and proceeded to eat her food.

Thelma stood up and went to the door. A staff in the hotel greeted and said, "We are having a pool party for every youth in the hotel. Would you like to join?"

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