Chapter 6

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It was Oscar's turn to play and he selected 'truth'. Kelvin was to ask him.

"My man! I will make this simple. How did you feel when Thelma pecked you?" A naughty smile shone on his Kelvin's face.

Oscar feigning anger, he yelled, "Kelvin, what's your problem?"

"Ok! Ok! Here is the real question. It's so simple. Well, I need the answer to it sincerely because I have been asking myself. Are you dating Sylvia?"

Dave exclaimed, "Yeah, bro! I have been asking myself"

Who is Sylvia? Thelma wondered.

"Guys, you got it all wrong. I am not dating her. We are just friends" Oscar replied and shrugged.

"Bro, she doesn't see you as a friend. She is crazy for you" Kelvin pointed out.

"She even boasts that you love her as much" a lady amongst them added.

"I didn't know that" Oscar voiced. He raked his fingers in his blonde hair and shrugged.

"Well, she is not the first girl into the blonde king" Kelvin teased and they both laughed.

"Who is the blonde King?" Thelma inquired. She wanted to be sure that they were referring to Oscar.

Kelvin rose an eyebrow and asked "Who else would it be?"

"Um... "

Kelvin cut in, "I know you want to call my name but sweetheart, I have a light brown hair. Okay!" he bragged.

"Fool!" Dave muttered and everyone laughed.

"Who will be playing next?" Kelvin asked to get them to stop laughing.

"You are. It's your turn" a young man amongst them replied. "And I'll be asking you".


Theresa had a phone call from Thelma telling her to come over. She moved towards that direction while a male figure was heading towards her. She really didn't bother because he might be going somewhere else.

However, the unexpected happened. Kelvin appeared, slipped his hand on the nape of her neck and slowly though it happened faster, leaned and kissed her. His lip caressed hers and he sucked on her bottom lip. Theresa froze at the spot unable to kiss back.

He leaned away and Thelma ran up to them. She exclaimed, "Sorry I didn't know their plan was to kiss you. Please forgive me".

Theresa could only see red at that point. She slapped Kelvin and gripped his shirt. "How dare you? You... You...You fool" she cleaned her lip. "You're crazy" Enraged, she pushed Kelvin and he fell into the pool by their side. She hissed and stormed off.

"Whoa! I didn't expect that" Dave mumbled.

"Me neither" Oscar replied.

They looked at the pool. Kelvin managed to swim out of it. He was soaked. His whole body dripped of water. Everyone discovered something that made them not to laugh. He was hurt, not physically. More like his ego was hurt. His dull countenance troubled them.

It was so clear that he was trying to hold himself from crying if that was possible. He stood up and left without uttering a word.

Thelma turned to the man that dared Kelvin.

"I told you not to dare him to do that. I had my reasons. See what you have caused". 


Thelma got to their room. It was neater. Theresa was on the bed. She was angry.  When she saw Thelma, she got angrier.

"You act like a good person but are you really?" Theresa asked.

"Theresa, I can explain. It all happened like this:

The strange guy: Thelma call your sister. Invite her to join us. The game is more interesting now.

Then I agreed and called you. That's when the strange guy dared Kelvin. 

Strange guy: I dare you to go towards Theresa who is coming and kiss her.

Kelvin: Never that woman is a witch.

Strange guy: Then, your goal to be the baddest and coolest guy in our group will fall. Look, Dave did his dare. He has proven to be the boss. Are you going to beat him?

And then Kelvin agreed to go. They all closed my mouth and held me. Please, don't be angry with me. It wasn't my fault" Thelma sniffed. She rubbed her eyes to stop the tears that threatened to fall.  She knew that what had happened, Theresa could never allow it to happen to her.

"Do you really want to know why I am angry? Because I have my self-respect and a jerk just kissed me. Shit!"

Then it hit Thelma like a bomb. Her sister never kissed a random person. Whoever she kissed must be worthy of her. Kelvin was a stranger and he kissed her. This must have infuriated her.

"Please don't talk to me now. Good night!" Theresa covered herself with the duvet and what ensued was silence.

Thelma felt bad. Now she hated that strange guy that had dared Kelvin.

.   ~~~Author's note~~~
Definitely, you didn't expect this. Well, that's how I want it to be. Full of surprises. So that when you read the book. You will enjoy every piece. Read more to see what happens next. Pls vote and comment. It means a lot when you do. It allows me to know your opinion of the story. Thanks for reading ❤💋💖💖😁😉😄

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