Chapter 48

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"Thelma, wake up! We have to go to work," Theresa called as she zipped her pencil black skirt. She was dressed and ready to leave for work. She glanced at Thelma, who was sleeping and rolled her eyes. "Thelma!"

Thelma groaned. She pulled her knees closer to her bosom and hugged her duvet. "I want to sleep" she mumbled.

"Thelma, you will be late for work"

"But Alex gave us a day off" her sleepy voice crooked.

"Are you sure?"


"He didn't tell me that. Are you lying?" Theresa placed her hands on her hip.

"I am not!"

"Well, I am still going to work"


"I want to know how the company is doing. You know that Anthony Russo had done something to the company. I want to find out what he did," Theresa sneered.

"But Alex said we shouldn't come to work today" Thelma pushed herself up and sat cross-legged on the bed.

"Would he be at work?"


"Then I should go to work too. I am the managing director. It's my duty" Theresa agrued.

"I'm not going!" Thelma mumbled with sagged shoulders.

"Fine by me! I just want to go to work"

"Why are you so eager to go to work?"

"The company is not making any sales. If it crumbles, how are we going to benefit when we take over the company? I'm just going there to perform my responsibility" Theresa exclaimed.

She flipped her hair and walked towards the full length mirror in their room. She smiled at her reflection and nodded.

Thelma shook her head, "That can't be your only reason? I thought you loved having a day off. I actually begged Alex to give us one".

"Why? You shouldn't have" Theresa bit her lip and stared at her reflection. She sighed.

I just want to go to work. I am worried about the company and...Aargh! What's wrong with me? I need to stop this!

She slammed her hand on her forehead.

I just want to see Alex again. That's why I'm going to work. I guess I'm used to seeing him every morning. That trip has ruined my life. Now I am attached to Alex. I'm doomed.

"Maybe you are right! I shouldn't go to work today!" Theresa voiced.

I mustn't get close to Alex. I need to fight this stupid feeling.

She unzipped he skirt and began to change to a comfortable casual clothing. As soon as she was dressed, she walked into the bathroom.

"Much better!" Thelma exclaimed and fell to the bed. She threw the duvet on herself and shut her eyes. Before she could get to dreamland, her ringtone blasted and forced her out of her sleep.

Thelma groaned and picked her phone. She slammed the green button and grimaced.

"Hello!" her voice came out rough.


Her eyes widened and she glanced at the caller ID.

"Oh! Good morning, Mr Roger" she fretted.


There was a brief silence before Alex added, "You are going to a business dinner with me".

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