Chapter 37

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"Why did you call her that?" Don asked, trying to sound calm. He placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. Any stupid reply from Alex and he would end his life. He didn't care what others would think of him.

Alex gave him a questioning look. He glanced at Don's hand on his shoulder and at Theresa.

"Alex calls me that because..."

Don interrupted Theresa with a roar, "Because what?"

"Mr Smith, I don't know you and we just met together. So, may I ask why you want to know?" Theresa threw the question at him.

"Yes, Mr Smith! Is there a problem?"

Don chuckled, "No!".  He squeezed Alex's shoulder and narrowed his eyes at Theresa.

"Miss, how about you call me by my name, Don"

"No problem!" Theresa winked and smiled in mischief. She knew that Don couldn't react rudely to Alex. It could ruin his plans. One of which was to act like a businessman just to get close to Theresa.

"Guys! I want to ask a different question" Caroline cried.

"Ask, princess!" Kelvin smirked.

"Now this question isn't like the 'Would you rather' but more personal" she said with a whisper.

"Is it a scary one?" Ursula yelped.

"Nope!" Caroline giggled. "Now, let's use our imagination ".

"What if we don't have one! We are grown-ups, you know" Kelvin replied with a goofy smile.

"Was that meant to be a joke?" Caroline asked in a serious tone. Her eyes squinted as she glared at Kelvin.

"Chill, babe!" he flung his arms in a mock surrender.

She smiled again, "Now imagine that you had a childhood best friend of the opposite sex. Like a boy has a female friend and... "

"We get it!" Don interrupted.

"Sorry!" she whispered and continued, "So, you helped that bf to be what he or she is today. Like you supported and helped them achieve their goals. Now, you guys are in a relationship but later, that person falls in love with someone else and the big question is... "

"Is what?" Thelma urged.

"Hey! I need to put in some suspense" Caroline snickered.

Caroline scanned the expectant looks on their faces. Her smile grew wider.

"Would you give up that person for them to be happy with someone else or would you hold on tight?"

"Whoa! Stop right there" Kelvin hollered. "I helped her to be successful?"

"Yep! That's how it happened" Caroline replied.

"And now, she is falling for another man?"


"Now that is complicated!" exclaimed Kelvin as he stroked his chin.

"No, it's not!" Don's fervent tone voiced.


"Because I don't share what's mine" he growled.

"Wow! We've got a possessive dude in our midst" Caroline teased. "Alex, what about you?"

"What's mine is mine!" Alex shrugged with an impassive look.

"Wow! Two possessive freaks!" Caroline bellowed in laughter.

"You know what!" Thelma exclaimed. "I would fight for him. I mean, I can't just let him go, right?"

"Gosh! Thelma! I never thought of you to be possessive" Kelvin gasped dramatically.

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