Chapter 34

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This chapter is dedicated to all my everso lovely readers! You had read this book to this point. It makes me so happy. I love ya. ❤❤❤💓💖💗


"It was just a kiss" Theresa mumbled to herself. She just walked into the R&L company this morning. She knew kissing Alex could cause a lot of problem and she was regretting it; partially!

She placed her hand on the wall of the elevator. She was alone giving her time to think.

"Just a kiss! " she mumbled. "I just need to act like it never happened ".  She nodded, "like it never did"

*I knew I would regret it! Beside he is my enemy. I want to destroy him. Why would anyone kiss their enemy? Who would? The ones with handsome enemies though. Like me, Alex is handsome and that's the problem *

The elevator door opened. She shrugged and walked out. As she placed her hand on her door handle, a voice jolted "Theresa! "

A frown made its way to Theresa's face. "What?" she turned.

A smiling Thelma replied "Mr Roger would like to speak to you after lunch today".

"Sure! Whatever! " she pushed her door open and walked in.

*Why are people fond of screaming my name. Last night, it happened*

     ~~~Flashback ~~~

"Theresa! " a voice yelled.

Alex and Theresa had broke off from their kiss. They watched as a figure walked up to them. They couldn't see the person because of the darkness.

"What was going on? "

Theresa gasped as a smirking Kelvin showed up. She stared shocked and kind of glad it wasn't the person she had in mind.

"Don't worry, my mouth is sealed" he winked at me and smirked at Alex. Theresa however noticed something that flashed in Kelvin's eyes. She couldn't quite place a finger on the emotion but it frightened her.

*Was that jealous?*

"Let's play basketball, shall we? " Kelvin broke the mood.

"Are you that friend Theresa brags about? " Alex asked.

"Yep! "

"Then, it will be fun to kick your ass" Alex ran to a basketball on the floor. "Let's play".

     ~~~End of flashback~~~

It was strange that Alex could easily push the fact that he kissed her and act normal.


  After lunch, Theresa walked into Alex's office. He stood staring out the wide glass window that showed the beauty of the city. His hands were dugged into his pockets, exposing his perfect sturdy build.

*Gosh! How come it actual took me long to see that this guy is a model material? He should consider it. I imagine him walking on the runway. I will be so impressed.*

She stood waiting for him to say something or at least turn to look at her but his mind was far from there. Business thoughts kept him from noticing her presence.

*I will definitely strangle Alex for this stupid feeling I am getting. I hate the way I am tensed. If I were like Thelma, I would have described this feeling as nervous but no way! I call it a ticking bomb. If he doesn't look at me in the next two minutes, I am going to make him.*

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