Chapter 58

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Early the next morning, Alex informed Thelma that he would be going home. Thelma tried to convince him otherwise but he remained adamant.

Is he angry because I yelled at him last night?

Thelma bit her lip as she watched him leave the house.

Should I apologize? No! I was just defending my sister. If he finds that offensive....then, I don't care...Okay! Maybe I care a little.

Her phone ring tune crooned in the empty living room. She picked her phone and tapped on the green icon on the screen. She got an information from the hospital that Theresa was awake.

"Maria!" Thelma screamed.

"Yes!" the old woman ran out of the kitchen.

"Nanny, Theresa is awake! She is alive!"

"Really? Thank God! I am so glad to hear this!" she exclaimed. Her big smile reached her eyes.

"Let's go to the hospital!" Thelma chirped as she bounced on her heels. "I need to see Theresa now!"

"Let me prepare breakfast! We can also take some food to her" Maria hugged Thelma and ran back into the kitchen.

Thelma embraced her sister the moment she got into the room. Theresa groaned and grunted, "Thelma, you're crushing my bones".

Thelma released her arms that where on Theresa. She planted a kiss on her forehead and yelled, "You scared me to death".

"How?" Theresa rolled her eyes and relaxed her body on the bed.

"I thought that I would lose you forever!"

"Geez, Thelma! You worry too much! There is no way I will die. How can a damsel like me die?"

Thelma paused and looked into her sister's brown eyes. She sighed in relief and said, "I am so glad you are okay!"

"My child," Maria shrieked. She wiped the tears on her face and leaned to hug Theresa.

Theresa groaned and whined, "Ah! That hurts!"

"What's wrong?" Maria asked and leaned away.

"I got shot at my stomach so the wound is there. You guys hugging me just makes it hurt" she looked at their faces. "Why are your eyes watery?"

Maria wiped her eyes with her handkerchief while Thelma wiped hers with her palms.

"Did someone die? Why are you guys so sad? Oh...wait a minute..." Theresa rose to a sitting position on the bed. Her eyes were round as she slowly rolled the words "Where is Alex?" from her mouth.

Thelma breathed in and said, "He is..."

"Alive, right? They didn't kill him, did they?" Theresa interrupted her. She clasped her hands together as she waited for Thelma's reply.

"Theresa, relax! Alex is fine. He has a wound at his arm. Apart from that, he is healthy and strong!"

Theresa let out the breathe she didn't know she was holding. She smiled at them and asked, "So where is he?"

"He went home!"

"Err..." Theresa nodded. "Okay!"

There was a brief silence before she questioned, "Where is Don?"

"To be sincere," Thelma scratched her brow. "I have no clue".

"Is he dead?"

"I don't know but we got the police involved. They are trying to find Don" Thelma sat at the edge of the bed. She patted Theresa's leg and added, "Don't worry! We'll find him. You just need to rest, eat and get better!"

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