Chapter 33

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I am so sorry for the delay but I plan of updating my book weekly. Thanks for reading. 😘💋💖❤

"Thelma, look! " his hand stretched towards the sky.

"What, Oscar?"

"That bright star! " he blurted. A smile creased Thelma's face as she stared at his cute dimple glowing under the moonlight.

"The star looks like you" he added.

"What? " she dragged her eyes to the star. "Where? "

"It shines bright like your smile" a goofy grin danced on his face.

Thelma playfully slapped his shoulder.

"What? " he grinned.

"I thought you meant that it looked like me" she giggled.

"Oh my gosh! " he gasped childishly. "Look it is a dinosaur! " he pointed to the sky. We laid on the grass. Our head resting on our fonded arms as pillow.

"That looks more like a dog" she replied.

"Dinosaur! "

"No! Dog! "



"Dog! "


"Jackpot! You are right it is dinosaur " he smirked.

"But....did I just say Dino... I am so confused" she shook her head.

She stared at the sky as the flashback during dinner replay.


" Thelma, can I ask you something? " he had asked.

"Hmm... Su... Su.. Sure! " she stuttered.

"Can I have a dance? " he grinned, his dimples smiling as well.

"What? " a disappointed but happy look played on her face.

"A dance, pls? "

"Sure! " she sprung to her feet.

*I was so over thinking this! *

His arms wrapped around her waist as they did a slow dance to the song. After dancing, they decided to head to the park to do some star gazing.

Alex had called on their way there.

"Sir, calm down" Theresa said to him on the phone.

"Who is that? " Oscar whispered.

"My boss! " she replied.

"Thelma Logan! I ask again! How did my important meeting end? " he burst out.

She whimpered. Her ears were aching.

"It ended well! Great! Awesome! Good! " she answered.

"Are you playing games with me? "

"No! I am serious! Theresa did an awesome work out there. The investors are willing to pay more for the project" she expounded.

"Oh! So Theresa lied uh? Okay! Bye! Sorry about that" he softened.

"No problem, sir! Good night! " and the call ended.

*I don't know why he was that angry but it frightened me badly *

~End of Flashback ~

"I think I just saw a moving star" he remarked.

"A shooting star? " she sprung up and sat examining the sky.

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