Chapter 55

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Theresa and Alex had decided to have their lunch in a fast food restaurant. They had ordered their dishes and were already digging in.

"A lot has happened to you recently! Do you want to share it with me?" Kelvin offered.

Theresa looked at him and sighed, "I don't want to talk about it".

"Hmm...well...err...If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here" he stuttered.

"I know!"

He sighed and whispered, "I know you are hurt!"

"I'm not hurt!"

"Thelma told me everything that happened with your father!"

"Whatever!" Theresa sipped from her cup of water and placed it on the table.

"I don't like seeing you this way! Could you smile for me?" Kelvin pouted.

Theresa rolled her eyes and pursed her lips.

"Pleaaasseee!" he batted his lashes.

"What's the use of smiling?" she slammed her hand on the table. Some individuals in the restaurant flinched and sent a questioning look at her. Theresa fixed her gaze on Kelvin and whispered, "My dad is really cunning!"

A wary smile settled on her face. "Who would have guessed that he was that crafty?"

"I can't believe your dad would do anything for money!" Kelvin hissed.

"He fooled me and played with my emotions. He knew that if he said anything about my mom wanting revenge that I would support him" she shook her head. "It annoys me to know that my dad is so deceitful!"

Theresa narrowed her eyes to slits. "I am a person that does not easily trust so when I put my trust on you and you betray me, it makes me so furious. Dad is gonna have to pay for this"

She sniffed and muttered, "He is gonna pay! He will"

A teardrop leaked from her eyes and fell on her cheek. Kelvin's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Theresa...."

"I'm not crying!" she snapped and placed her head on the table. Her tears were not of sadness but anger. She was angry with herself for falling into her father's trap. She was angry that she hurt Alex. She was angry that she stole a company instead of her to establish a company of her own. She was angry that the person she trusted the most betrayed her. All these anger were bottled up. Now, they fell out as tears.

Someone slammed his hands on the table. Theresa jerked and narrowed her eyes at the individual. Her expression changed when she saw Don.

"Have you been avoiding me, Wildcat? You don't pick my calls and you don't reply to my messages. If I did anything to annoy you, I am sorry. Do you know I had to make my men track you down? You should...." his ranting stopped when he noticed Theresa's red swollen eyes.

He turned to Kelvin, "How dare you hurt my girlfriend?"

Before anyone could protest, he crashed his fist on Kelvin's cheek.

"Don!" Theresa rose to her feet and pulled Don's arm. "Are you crazy? Why did you punch him?"

She shoved him aside and squatted close to Kelvin. "Are you okay?" she asked and gently stroked his red cheek with her fingers.

"I'm fine!" Kelvin replied. He rubbed his palm on his cheek. "Ouch!" he winced.

"I'm sorry!" Theresa whispered. She snapped her head at Don. "Apologize, you fool!"

"But he made you cry!"

"He didn't! Now, apologize! How can you just punch a person like that? What's wrong with you?"

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