Chapter 57

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Thelma's eyes were bloodshot. She had a throbbing headache as she wept in the hospital hallway. Her sister was in an operating theater fighting for her life. Maria, their nanny, Kelvin and Oscar were also there. Everyone was tensed and gloomy. Oscar came to her side and placed his hand on Thelma's shoulder. He pulled her in for a comforting hug. His hand stroked her brown hair as she sobbed on his blue t-shirt.

"Don't worry, Thelma! Theresa will be fine! I know she will" Oscar assured.

A nurse walked up to them. "Mr Alexander Roger has regained consciousness!" she announced.

They all ran towards his room. They barged in and Thelma ran to his side. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight.

"I'm so glad you are okay!" she sobbed. "I thought I would lose you!"

"It's okay, Thelma!" Alex rubbed her back. "I'm fine now!"

She leaned away and wiped her teary cheek with her hand. She sniffed and whispered, "What happened? Who shot you?"

Alex's eyes widened and he yelled, "Where is Theresa?"

"She...she...she is in the operating theater!" she replied.

"She is not dead?"

"What?" Thelma screamed. "No! Never! Theresa would never leave me!"

Alex let out a sigh of relief and placed his hand on his chest. "Thank God she is alive! I need to see her!" he exclaimed and made attempt to pull the drip that was on his hand.

"Wait!" Thelma held his hand. "You can't do that! You are still recovering!"

"I know but I need to..."

She cut in, "Please, don't! Just wait!"

"Where is Don?" Alex cocked a brow.

"Don?" Kelvin voiced. "Was he with you guys?"

"Yes! They shot him too!"

"But...But we didn't see his body. We didn't see him at all" Kelvin replied.

"We should call the police now!" Oscar suggested.

"Okay!" Kelvin nodded and dug his hand into his pocket. He pulled his phone and walked out of the room.

"I hope Theresa is okay?" Alex whispered. It was evident on his face that he was worried.

"She will be fine!" Maria bawled. "I know she is a strong girl!"

Tears welled up in Thelma's eyes and ran down her face like rivulets. Below her eyes were large black spots. She had been weeping ever since she found out Theresa's state. Theresa would have lost her life if she wasn't brought to the hospital on time. Thelma was grateful to the stranger who had brought them to the hospital.

However, she left Alex and was back at the hallway. She peeped through the circular glass on the door. Her body trembled when she saw the blood that soaked Theresa's body. She noticed a nurse was heading to the door and she backed away. The nurse opened the door and walked out.

"How is my sister?"

"She is still in a critical condition. She has lost a lot of blood, ma'am! I want to check our blood bank!"

"She needs blood?"


"I'm here twin sister! I will donate!" Thelma quaked and placed her hands on the nurse's arms.

"Let me check the blood back first!"


The nurse left and Thelma continued to pace. A minute later, the nurse ran to her.

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