Chapter 31

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Thelma was ready. An excited squeak escaped her lips as she stared at the mirror. She looked different. More prettier! Theresa had given her a little make-up.

"Are you sure you don't want me to apply more lipstick? " Theresa deadpanned. She wasn't happy with Thelma's idea of 'Look simple! '.

"It's just a dinner! " Thelma shrugged "I just need a simple make-up".

Theresa rolled her eyes, "Date, stupid! It's a date! "

"So? "

"Would you like Oscar to look at other girls during your date? "

"No! But I believe he likes me being simple. In fact, I am more comfortable looking simple. I can't be like you, Theresa "

"I can't be like you, Theresa " Theresa repeated mockingly. "So pathetic! " she added.

She threw her arms in the air, "Thelma, I have tried "

She jumped into the bed. Thelma continued to admire herself. She wore one of Theresa's expensive dress.

"Theresa, can I you lend me one of your necklace? "

"Because I like the idea of you dating Oscar, feel free to pick anyone? "

Thelma walked to Theresa's drawer and began to select. Her eyes caught a necklace that laid on the dresser. She smiled and picked it.

"How do I look, Theresa? "

Theresa's eyes shot out when she saw the necklace.

"How dare you? " she bounced out of the bed. "Take it off now" she yelled

Fear gripped Thelma as she quickly took it off.

"But... " Thelma trailed off.

"No, buts! Pick any other one" Theresa said softly as a smile appeared on her face. In case you might be confused, that was the necklace she was meant to keep close to heart.
That's the one from Alex.

A knock was heard on the door. A yelp escaped Thelma's lips as she ran around the room searching for her purse.

"He is here! " she declared nervously.

"Thelma, your purse is on the dresser. Why are you so nervous? " Theresa said and swung the door open.

Oscar stood at the door smiling ear to ear.

"Someone is looking good today " Theresa winked.

"Thanks! " Oscar replied. Thelma appeared at the door. She was looking stunning. Her light blue gown was sparkling with crystal like beads. Her hair was wavy and silky. She let her brown eyes to bore into his. They completely forgot about Theresa's presence.

To spoil the moment, Theresa cleared her throat.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything " an evil smirk was evident on her face.

Thelma's cheek became bright pink as she stared at the floor.

"Why are you two blushing? " Theresa asked. She was smiling at how uncomfortable they were.

Oscar awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as a nervous chuckle was heard.

"Thelma, don't blush to much so that your fave won't be as red as a tomato " Theresa added and winked at Oscar.

"Bye now! Enjoy yourselves " she at least ended the awkward moment and pushed Thelma out of the room. She shut the door and bounced into the bed.

"Someone needs to know how he slept today. O should send his picture as a sleeping beauty " she announced and began to operate her phone.

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