Chapter 9

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"All females are full of disappointment and deceit" Alex blustered.

"What did you say?"
Thelma turned to him. She gave him a piercing stare. 

"How can you say so? Women are passionate, sweet and awesome. How dare you say that? It is men that are generally full of disappointment and deceit. Try quoting me wrong!" she fumed and placed her arms akimbo on her waist.

Alex dragged his hawkish gaze towards her and he cocked a brow, surprised to see Thelma's reaction.

"It's not fair! Aren't I a woman? And here I am working my butt off for your benefit," she hollered on.

"That's your job," he replied with a nonchalant expression. 

"Why didn't you employ a man if men are that wonderful?" she shot back. She was trying to be calm since Alex was her boss but his words were too offensive.

"You have a mother, don't you? Then, you are indirectly referring to her because she is a woman," Thelma yelled.

Alex's mood changed completely. He became more  furious and his body tensed at her utterance. He took slow steps towards her. Gripped by fear, Thelma strode backwards. Her heart drummed against her ribcage.

"I didn't...mea... mean...
to insult your...mot..her... mother. Please!" Thelma stammered as she staggered in her footing. Her back slammed to the wall and she was in a tight spot. Nowhere to run!

"Plea.. Please..." she faltered.

He interrupted her and yelled, "Shut up! I said shut up! Go and do your work. I mustn't hear anything from you. Is that clear? Because you will truly regret it"

Thelma nodded rapidly and scrambled to her chair. She operated the laptop as her fingers trembled. 

"You are so cruel. I won't lie to you. What you said was absolutely wrong!" she whisper-yelled.

Alex grunted and glared at her until he sat down and switched on his laptop.

An idea sparked in Thelma's mind. Alex was the guy called Xander in her high school. She checked the yearbook and he was the one. She could remember vividly that students said he had a big heart and could easily be emotionally blackmailed. Maybe she should check it out, she thought.

Thelma sighed with a gloomy expression. She intentionally made noise to get his attention and it was working. His gaze lingered on her for a second and got back to his work.

She cleared her throat. Alex looked up at her and asked, "What did you say?"

Thelma shrugged.

"That means you said something," he responded.

"I didn't!" Thelma pushed her bottom lip out to give the ideal sad look. "Don't talk to me".

"I shouldn't talk to you?"

"Guilty much!" Thelma mumbled.

"Aargh! Thelma, stop that. I mustn't hear anything from you. What's so hard to understand about that?" he snarled.

She stayed silent. After a minute, she cleared her throat again and pretended to cough.

"What did you say?" Alex grumbled.

"Guilty conscience!" she whispered and blinked her gloomy eyes.

"What did you say?" he boiled up. He had heard what she said.

"Me? I said nothing" she tucked her strands of hair behind her ear and shrugged.

"Liar! You said something about a guilty conscience," he howled. He slammed his hands on his desk.

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