Chapter 24

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Thelma sat with an unenthusiastic slouch as she did her office work. Ever since Alex left the office, she had been expecting him.

A loud bang pierced through the silent room. Thelma glanced at the wide door. Alex staggered in. He was dishevelled. His shirt was wrinkled and his rolled-up sleeve of his white shirt revealed his forearm. His shirt was not properly tucked in. Alex ran his fingers down his tousled hair and his gray suit was draped on his shoulder. He slid into his swivel chair.

"Did you finish... Did you..." he hiccuped and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "Did you finish the work?"

Alex rose to his full-height and walked up to Thelma who was standing, saucer-eyed. He leaned towards her. To avoid this, she leaned away. This made her lay on her desk. He leaned more and she found herself on the desk. Alex was invading her personal space.

She caught a harsh stench of alcohol. He was drunk. Her heart leaped. Alex's eyes shut and he fell completely on her. She was on the large black desk with Alex's body on her. She smiled at first and slowly pushed him aside, trying her best to keep him from falling.

Wow! Something must be bothering him. He drank to get his mind off of it. She was sure that's what he did.


"Hey!" Kelvin greeted. 

Theresa was back from home. The traffic was slow so she had been on the road for a long time. She was coming from the picnic she had with Don. She fumbled the keys into the lock of her room door.

"Oh, hey!" she greeted.

"Just hey?"

"What else do you want me to say?" she snorted.

"Someone's in a bad mood?" he asked, placing his arm on her shoulder.

Theresa sighed and shrugged.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you remember the past? Like when you were a jerk?" she smirked.

"Huh? Was I ever a jerk?" he chuckled.

She eyed him and replied, "Of course you were! You kissed me without my permission. That's jerkish! "

"Jerkish? Is there a word like that in the dictionary," he folded his arms and gave her a sidelong glance.

"Yeah! In mine," she chortled and opened the door.

"Is that all?"

"All? What do you mean?"

"What made you angry?" his soft voice was laced with concern.

"Come in," she lowered her voice. "I'll tell you"

When they were comfortable on the couch, Theresa asked, "Do you remember the guy.... that party we went to?"

"Hmm..." he gave a quizzical look.

"The club, remember? The guy that said he would kill me!" she gazed at him intently.

"Oh, yeah!....Wait, is he back?" Kelvin jolted and his brows snapped together.

"Kind of" and with that, she gave him the full information about Don.

"So... Do you think I should accept his request?" she concluded with a question.

"Hmm.. Duh?"

"Excuse me?" she gasped.

"That guy is dangerous. Just pretend till he is tired of you. What if he decides to take revenge. Think about it" he said, flailing his arms wildly in the air.

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