Chapter 17

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"Hey, Thelma! Why such an expression?" Theresa examined her face. Her eyes lingered on Thelma's face for a while and she added, "Read the headline".

Thelma leaned closer and read the bold words on Theresa's screen.

"Vivian Russo drugs Alexander Roger, a billionaire just to get him to kiss her! What a shameless woman can do for money and obsession''
Thelma read.

Oh! She drugged him. I said it. That woman is shameless. She can't just think before she does something. She has humiliated herself. I hate that woman. I hope Alex finds out about it and hates her more.

"Why were you angry? Do you like Alex?" Theresa queried, her gaze piercing deep into Thelma's soul.

"Whaaaat?" Thelma drawled and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "He is not my type. Besides, you said we shouldn't fall for him. He is our enemy, do you remember?" Thelma replied, feigning anger.

"Of course I do! Is Oscar your type?" Theresa smirked and wiggled her eyebrows. "I can't believe you spent most of this weekend with him".

"He is a nice, sweet and cute guy. He is really friendly, trust me! What about you, Theresa? Kelvin!" Thelma teased and did an air quote.

"Whatevs! He is just a friend. Nothing more!"

"That's the problem! You never accept a guy as your friend"

"Well..." Theresa trailed off into a deep thought. "Well, I don't know how that happened. He gets me"

"So, you're a thing?"

"Nooo! Eww! Gosh, Thelma! Are you crazy? He is not my type! Geez!"

"Sorry! You don't have to shout. Good night!" Thelma yawned a little and cuddled her duvet.

"Pfft! Kelvin? Geez! Anyways Good night!" Theresa replied and tapped her fingers on her phone screen as she texted some of her social media friends.


Theresa rolled on her bed. Her eyes were shut as she tried to get comfy. She felt strange all of a sudden. It seemed someone was moving around. The thought that it could be a ghost made her eyes snap open.

Fear gripped her when a large hand pulled her out of the bed. A male figure though it was dark, was clear at her sight. Before she could scream, an handkerchief was pressed to her nose and mouth. A pungent smell kept flooding her nostril till her body was numb and everthing went blank.


Thelma had her bath and waited for Theresa.

"Come on, where is she?" Thelma paced the floor restlessly. "I didn't see her in the bed. I asked the receptionist and she said she didn't see her so what's going on?" she flung her arms in the air and sat on the bed.

"I will just call her" she picked her phone and dialed. Theresa's ring tone filled the room. Her phone was lying on the bedside cabinet.

"You have got to be kidding me!" she yelled to no one in particular. Why am she worried? It could be that Theresa went to work without her. Thelma picked her bag and headed for the door. She stopped abruptly.

"There is no way she could leave her phone. That's not possible. I will ask Alex if she is in the office. I hope he won't shout," Thelma mumbled. She dialed Alex's phone number and he picked at the first ring.

"Good morning, sir!" Thelma greeted.

"Good morning," was his response from the other end.

"Sir, is Theresa in the office?"

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